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Teaching English In Korea
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Overseas Teaching English Jobs In Korea

Teaching English overseas is an exciting and unique experience for new teachers, or experienced teachers desiring a change. Living in another country and teaching abroad is a valuable experience that broadens your knowledge of the world and allows you to experience another culture in a way that is impossible with any short vacations, or even a longer stay; you will be fully-immersed in Korean society, living and working amongst Koreans.

The Korean government has set guidelines for teaching jobs. To qualify to teach abroad in Korea, the candidate must hold a bachelors degree. While a BA or BS degree in any major will fulfill the requirements of the South Korean government, preference is given to candidates with degrees in education and English. If a candidate holds a valid teaching certificate in his or her country of origin, this is another added bonus.

The degree, whether in education or another major, must be from an accredited university in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland or South Africa. In addition, the candidate must be a citizen of one of these countries. The government prefers native English speakers from native English speaking countries for teaching positions.

The candidate must not have a criminal record in their home country and a background check will be performed to ensure no record exists. In addition, the physical and mental health of candidates for teaching jobs must be good. For more on the specifics of teaching abroad in Korea, browse our website or feel free to contact us. Complete our convenient online application to get started on the path to teaching English overseas.




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Suite #1006 Union Tower, 44-34 Yoido-dong, Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul, South Korea, 150-890
P: +82-2-749-1140 (KR) | F: +82-2-761-7783 (KR) | P: +1 (646) 233-3113 (US)
Business License #:107-87-50215, Business Plate #:2011-3180167-14-5-00024, Rep: Jaejin Shim, Meta Education Inc

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