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Tess M.
Canada 2025.05.15 Bachelor of Communications
Master of Education
Elementary,Uni/Adults British Columbia

Nakedi Harriet T.
South Africa 2025.03.04 120 Hour TEFL Course
Honours degree in Psychology
Bachelor of social sciences in psychology
High School
Pre-s Gyeonngi
South Korea

Sarah Payne P.
United States 2025.07.01 Rutgers University Bachelors Degree in Social Work awarded May 2020 Pre-s ,Elementary South Carolina
United States

Eleazar G.
United States 2025.03.05 Bachelor¡¯s in Political Science and Minor Degree in Pscyhology from the University of Central Florida Elementary,Middle

Mmule R.
South Africa 2025.03.03 Masters of Education
Moreland University IN PROGRESS

School of Legal Practice Law School University of Pretoria
Nov 2017

Bachelor of Laws Jun 2017
University of Pretoria

Bachelor of Arts i...
Pre-s ,Elementary ¼­¿ïƯº°½Ã
South Korea

Andrew Vincent C.
United States 2025.03.01 University of California - Irvine, Bachelor's of Art in Business Administration
TEFL (In progress will finish before end of the month)
No Preference CA
United States

Viwe M.
South Africa 2025.03.03 Bachelor of Arts (Business Management and Public Administration) _ Nelson Mandela University (South Africa)

Postgraduate Diploma in Maritime Studies _ Nelson Mandela University (South Africa)

Elementary Eastern Cape

Louisa Marie H.
United Kingdom 2025.02.17 The University of Reading - History BA (Hons)
The University of Reading - TESOL MA
EPIK 2017 - 2021
Anderson English Academy 2023-2024
No Preference °æ»óºÏµµ
South Korea

Taryn Allison B.
United States 2025.03.01 California State University of Long Beach Bachelor's Degree in English: Creative Writing.
Level 3 TEFL.
Elementary,Middle CA
United States

Masindi R.
South Africa 2025.03.01 BSc (honors) Quantity Surveying (2020-2021)
BSc Quantity Surveying (2016-2019)
Msc International marketing (2024-2027)
120hr TEFL certificate (2022)

1. ESL teacher - Jeonju, South Korea (Oct 20...
Elementary,Middle Jeollabuk-do
South Korea
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