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Teaching English As A Second Language In South Korea

Teaching English as a Second Language is a rewarding experience. When you teach ESL in Korea, you make a difference in the lives of your students and open a new world of opportunity to them. Korea is an excellent choice for teaching. In Korea, education and teachers are held in high regard and ESL is an essential part of the education of Korean students.

Korean students and their parents take their education very seriously. Education is competitive and focused, with the goal for most students being entrance into a prestigious university. Children learn both in school and during their spare time. Most high school students, and many younger kids, are enrolled in additional private school courses which they attend after their full-day of public school.

ESL is taught in Korea throughout most of the child¡¯s educational career. Instruction is started early, in the third year of elementary school; classes continue through high school. Early and continuous English instruction is done to ensure fluency by the time the students graduate from high school. English has become the language of international business and diplomacy, and the Korean Ministry of Education understands the value of students gaining proficiency in English.

Traditionally, English instruction in Korean schools was focused on grammar and written English, making students fluent in written English, but with little, if any, conversational skills. For this reason, the Ministry of Education chose to hire teachers from English speaking countries to teach ESL in Korea. If you have considered teaching English as a second language and would like to learn more about teaching ESL in Korea, browse our website for further information and then get in touch with us to get started.




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