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Callie Carolyn M.
United States 2015.08.01 Bachelor of Arts in Media Arts (film)
University of Arizona, 2011

Master of Fine Arts in Writing, emphasis in Writing for Children and Young Adults
Vermont College of Fine Arts, 2014
Middle,HS,Uni/Adults AZ

Alexandra Siobhan B.
United States 2015.08.07 Attended and graduated from Loyola University Chicago with a Bachelors degree in Business. Elementary,Middle IL
United States

Lacey Ann J.
United States 2015.09.01 Bachelor's Degree in English from Franklin College of Indiana

160 hour TEFL Certificate from TEFL Express
Elementary IN

Jack Edward M.
United States 2015.08.15 B.A. Political Science from SUNY Fredonia
140 TEFL Certification
Pre-s ,Elementary NY
United States

Jayson Robert P.
Canada 2015.09.01 Trent University - Bachelor of Arts (Honors) Joint Major Psychology & Philosophy

One year - Tait English School - Jamsil, Seoul
No Preference Ontario

Samuel John C.
United States 2015.08.15 Bachelors Degree - Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA
TEFL Certificate - American TESOL Institute
Elementary Maine
United States of America

Dale Elliot W.
United States 2015.08.01 I attended University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire from 2008 to 2012. I graduated Cum Laude in May 2012 with a 3.36/4.0 cumulative GPA and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English. No Preference WI
United States

Darcey Blake G.
United States 2015.08.15 -Dual Bachelors Degrees in English and Philosophy with a concentration in Creative Writing, Magna Cum Laude, from Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania, USA.

-TEFL Certificate, American TESOL Institute...
Pre-s ,Elementary New Jersey
United States

Mitchell Robert Owen F.
Canada 2015.08.15 2014: TESOL/TESL Certification (100 Hours) Halifax, Canada
Oxford Seminars

2015: Bachelor's Degree - Bachelor of Fine Arts Halifax, Canada
Major: Textiles & Fashion Design
Nova Scot...
Elementary,Middle Nova Scotia

'Enzo' Lawrence S.
United States 2015.09.01 BA in Anthropology from Cal State University Fullerton

1 year Substitute Teaching, 1 Year ESL Teach in California, 6 months Teaching at the Bowers Museum,

1.5 Years teaching at Pagoda Junior in ...
Elementary CA
United States
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