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Mitchell Y.
United States 2016.06.01 California State University, Fullerton
Bachelor of Art in Business Administration with a Concentration in Accounting, December 2012

• Major GPA: 3.20
• Activities: Accounting Society,...
No Preference

Kari Ann D.
United States 2016.08.15 M.A. in Politics from University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, UK.

B.A. in History from Florida Gulf Coast University, Ft Myers, FL, USA.

A.A. in History from Florida Southwestern State College, Ft...
Elementary,Middle,Uni/Adults Gyeonggi

Dina E.
United States 2016.08.01 BS in Economics and Finance from the The City University of New York No Preference GyeonggiDo
South Korea

Melissa Rose A.
United States 2016.08.10 I attended New York University my freshman year of university and then transferred to the University of Tampa, where I am expected to graduate in May 2016 with a Bachelor's degree in English and a TES... Pre-s ,Elementary,Uni/Adults NY
United States

Philip John S.
United Kingdom 2016.07.01 University of Manchester: Consistently ranked in the top 35 universities in the world
Second Class: first degree BA (Hons) in Geography (September 2006 to July 2009)

My Geography degree was parti...
No Preference Daegu

Gabrielle Natalie V.
United States 2016.08.30 Florida Atlantic University 2012-2016 (will graduate May 2016)
- Double major in English and Linguistics
- Honors Student

Korea University 2014-2015
Pre-s ,Elementary,Middle FL

Mark G.
Canada 2016.07.01 Carleton University - September 2010 to May 2015
Combined Bachelors Degree in Journalism and History

Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology - September 2015 to ONGOING
Graduate Certific...
Middle,HS,Uni/Adults Ontario

Rebecca Susan C.
United States 2016.07.18 M.Ed. TESOL, Grand Canyon University, 2014
B.A. English and Secondary Education, UCCS, 2011
No Preference Gyeongbuk-do
South Korea

Shirley N.
South Africa 2016.03.01

Rupert H.
New Zealand 2016.03.14 Pre-s ,Elementary,Middle,No Preference
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