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Sarah Jayne R.
United States 2015.07.12 Elementary,Middle,Uni/Adults Texas

Laurelyn Sue D.
United States 2015.08.30 I have a Bachelors Degree in Biology. Middle,HS Oklahoma

Ashley Michelle S.
United States 2015.10.01 B.A. Japanese and Chinese Language and Culture
The Florida State University

TEFL Certification, 120-hour
ITTT (International TEFL and TESOL Training)
Acredited by the BOAA, OTTSA, Fort Hayes Uni...
Middle,HS,Uni/Adults FL

David Holmes C.
United States 2015.08.15 I have a Bachelor's Degree with High Honors in history. I graduated cum laude, with a 3.5 GPA and a 3.9 in my major. I also have a TEFL Certificate with 120 hours of training. While I have experience ... Middle,HS,Uni/Adults
South Korea

Ross Andrew K.
United States 2015.09.08 University of North Texas
Bachelor of Music Education

Kosmas Ulysses S.
United States 2015.09.01 TEFL Certification (120 hour) 07/2015
TEFL Certification (40 hour) 01/2013
Occidental College- English and Comparative Literature Studies* 09/2009-05/2013
HS California
United States

Chirie D.
United States 2015.08.01 2001-2002 Yoga Alliance Teacher Certification Asheville, NC
1997 - 2001 College of Charleston Charleston, SC
B.A. in Foreign Language: French
• Major GPA 3.9 G...
No Preference SC

Alexis I H.
United States 2015.08.03 BS Economics
Minor American Studies
100+ TESL (Online)

1 year Top Academy (Iksan)
1 month DeliEnglish Camp (Ilsan)
2 years JiWon Middle School
6 months U-Too Academy(Iksan)
18 months WonKwang...
Pre-s ,Elementary,Middle NC

Ryan Alexander Z.
United States 2015.09.01 Century High School 2011- Chancellor's Diploma with honors
Focus on music and the humanities

Oregon State University 2015 - Bachelor of Science in Music- option in music production
Focus on r...
No Preference OR
United States

Dillan Michael C.
United States 2015.08.01 BA in Liberal Arts with a concentration on creative writing
from Florida Atlantic University.

150 hour TEFL certificate.
Elementary,Middle,HS,Uni/Adults Florida
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