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가능월 국적

이름 국적 비고 가능 연령 위치

Trista O.
Canada 2015.06.01 Bachelor of Communications Degree
Mount Royal University
Graduated with Honours

120 Hour TEFL/TESOL Certificate

English Teacher - Korea - 1 ye...
Pre-s ,Elementary British Columbia

Brian Matthew B.
United States 2015.05.30 University of Florida
BA in Political Science and Arabic Language
Cum Laude
3.7 GPA
Linguistics and foreign language coursework.
English Language Teacher - Seoul, Korea
1 year - May 2014- May 20...
No Preference Seoul-si
South Korea

Kyle Matthew Y.
United States 2015.03.16 Boise State University - BA Psychology

Utah College of Massage Therapy - Associates degree in Massage Therapy

TEFL Certification - 100 hour program
Middle,HS,Uni/Adults South Dakota

Vanessa N.
United States 2015.08.01 Bachelor degree in French with minors in International Relations and Communications from Lake Forest College.

Masters in Business Administration from LIM College.
No Preference NY
United States

Devin Scott D.
United States 2015.04.01 Bachelor of Arts in Sociology with a German minor. Graduated Summa Cum Laude. Pre-s North Carolina
United States

Melanie Susan I.
United States 2015.07.01 Bachelors in Psychology from CSU Channel Islands Pre-s ,Elementary,No Preference California
United States

Luke M.
United Kingdom 2015.05.01 2011 The Language House –September (International Accreditation of TESOL Qualifying Organizations)

2006-2009 Queens University Belfast – B.A. Modern History,

1999-2006 ...
HS,Uni/Adults TYRONE

Hana L.
United States 2015.04.30 University of Hartford-B.S in Elementary/Special Education Elementary,Middle New York

Skyler T.
Canada 2015.05.01 Bachelor of Education Present
University of Ottawa

Korean Language Program 2011-2012
YBM Korean Language Institute

Bachelor of Arts: Double Major in Psychology and ...
Pre-s ,Elementary

Samuel J. P.
United States 2015.03.01 No Preference
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