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Melissa Anne D.
United States 2015.01.01 BA of Psychology from Central Connecticut State University, currently obtaining a Master's degree in International Studies from Central Connecticut State University, have the TEFL certification Pre-s ,Elementary,Middle,No Preference CT

Varonica Lynn C.
United States 2015.02.16 Bachelor's degree from Ohio State University

One year and 6 months teaching at Hwayang Elementary School
No Preference Gyeongsangbuk-do
South Korea

Jerrica Michelle C.
United States 2015.04.25 I have a Bachelor's degree from the University of New Haven in Connecticut.
I am currently teaching English under an E-2 visa at a private Kindergarten. I have been teaching since January 2014.
Pre-s Gyeongsangnam-do

Ashley T.
United States 2015.02.01 B.A. Cross-Cultural Studies
Minors: Spanish/Peace and Conflict Studies

TEFL 100 Hour Certificate (Expected completion in January 2015)
Pre-s ,Elementary,Middle,HS OR

Mary Elizabeth R.
United Kingdom 2014.01.22 I have a BA (Hons) English Literature and Language degree from the University of Leeds. I graduated with a 2:1 classification in July 2014. No Preference Sichuan

Jeremy Lee C.
United States 2015.01.01 Evangel University: Intercultural Studies and Social Sciences

Chungdahm April: Dec 2013-present
No Preference
South Korea

Brian S.
United States 2015.02.01 University of California, Santa Barbara Elementary,Middle New York

Brianne Marie M.
Canada 2014.11.01 Reading Part 1 - AQ Course 2012

Lakehead University - Bachelor of Education 2010

Laurentian University - Bachelor of Arts Honours (4 years) English
Pre-s ,Elementary Ontario

Michael (Lawrence) M.
Canada 2014.11.01 2012 - Reading part 1 - A.Q. Course

2010 - Special Education part 1 - A.Q. Course

2009-2010 - Bachelor of Education (primary/junior), Lakehead University

2007-2009 - Bachelor of Arts Honours ...
Pre-s Ontario

Alison B.
United Kingdom 2015.01.12 Doctorate: PhD in English Language and Linguistics at the University of Glasgow (Graduation December 2014)

Masters MLITT degree: University of Glasgow in Linguistics (2010)

MA Degree: Universit...
No Preference City of Glasgow
Great Britain
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