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Scott Louis P.
United States 2015.09.07 University of Washington - Seattle. B.A. in Communication- Journalism, June 2012 No Preference WA

Zachary Glenn M.
Canada 2015.08.31 I received my BA from the University of Toronto. My major was East Asian Studies. I went to Seoul National University for a year as an exchange student. I studied Korean history and took Korean langua... No Preference Seoul

Emily Kate S.
United Kingdom 2015.09.15 2009 - Bath Spa Univeristy; BA in Creative Writing (degree 2:1)

2015 - Worcester University: QTS and PGCE in Early Years Education (Qualified Teacher Status and Post Graduate Certificate of Educat...
Pre-s Ludlow

Dillon Thomas F.
United States 2015.09.20 have a four year pschology degree from Illinois State Univeristy in the USA. With the degree I have a minor in business administration Elementary,Middle,HS,Uni/Adults suseong gu, doosan dong
South Korea

Lauren Elizabeth H.
United States 2015.08.15 I have a bachelor's degree in Psychology and I am currently enrolled in a teaching certification course Elementary,Middle Texas

Timothy John W.
United States 2015.09.01 Currently, I hold a BA in Linguistics (earned in 2005), a MA in Slavic Languages and Literatures ( earned in 2009) and a MATESOL (earned in 2015) Middle,Uni/Adults WA

Canada 2015.08.31 BA in Linguistics No Preference BC

Sarah Jayne R.
United States 2015.07.12 Elementary,Middle,Uni/Adults Texas

Laurelyn Sue D.
United States 2015.08.30 I have a Bachelors Degree in Biology. Middle,HS Oklahoma

Ashley Michelle S.
United States 2015.10.01 B.A. Japanese and Chinese Language and Culture
The Florida State University

TEFL Certification, 120-hour
ITTT (International TEFL and TESOL Training)
Acredited by the BOAA, OTTSA, Fort Hayes Uni...
Middle,HS,Uni/Adults FL
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