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Victoria Rose S.
United States 2014.08.15 BS -- Applied Developmental Psychology
Certificate-- Women's Studies
Cerificiate-- Children's Literature
Pre-s ,Elementary,Middle PA

Sarah Jane P.
United States 2014.09.30 Bachelor of Science from Michigan State University
TESOL/TESL/TEFL Certification (100 Hours) Oxford Seminars
Pre-s ,Elementary,Middle MI
United States

Randy Jefferson Searcey U.
United States 2014.08.15 University of Central Arkansas Bachelor

TEFLonline 120 hours certification
No Preference Arkansas
United States

Alexandria O.
United States 2014.08.01 I am a college graduate, with a bachelors in Science; International Studies. Pre-s ,Elementary,Middle Virginia

Kayleigh Jade T.
United Kingdom 2014.08.27 BSC (Hons) 2:1, Psychology, October 2010 – June 2013
Lancaster University, Lancaster, Lancashire, England, UK

GCSE, September 2006 – June 2008: English Language/Literature
Elementary,Middle,HS,Uni/Adults Gyeongbuk
South Korea

Bethaney Brooke G.
United States 2014.08.01 Bachelor of Science with a major in Sociology/Social Work from Tennessee Technological University
TEFL Certification from the International TEFL Academy
No Preference Texas
United States of America

Corey Ryan Z.
United States 2014.08.30 Texas State University

B.A. in Journalism / Mass Communications
No Preference Texas

Jason Beck B.
United States 2014.08.01 I earned my 180 hour graduate TEFL certification and my B.S. degree in Psychology at the Unviersity of Central Florida Elementary,Middle,HS,Uni/Adults Florida

Christopher O.
Other 2014.10.01 Currently finishing off my last six credit hours (2 electives) for my English degree at Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador. My minor is Spanish.

By the end of August I will also have...
No Preference Newfoundland

Murray G.
United States 2014.09.30 Bachelors of Arts in History, Arizona State University, Phoenix, Arizona, 2008-2012
Masters of Arts in International Commerce, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, 2012-Present
Tutored international stu...
Pre-s ,Elementary,Middle
South Korea
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