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Hayley Ridgell G.
United States 2016.01.02 University of Durham, Master of Science in Anthropology, graduated 2011
University of North Florida, Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology, graduated magna cum laude, 2009
University of North Florida, Ba...
Pre-s ,Elementary,Middle
South Korea

Brandon Wayne T.
United States 2014.12.01 [University of South Florida], [Tampa, FL]
[Bachelors Degree in Anthropology]
[May 2012]

Dean¡¯s List, Fall 2010 - Spring 2012
Concentration in foreign languages
No Preference
South Korea

Michael Patrick R.
United States 2014.12.29 I have a B.A. in political science from Florida International University and I'm currently pursuing a TEFL certification (120 hours). My anticipated date of completion for the TEFL is January 2015.

Middle,HS,Uni/Adults Gyeongsangbuk-do
South Korea

Sang Min S.
United States 2015.01.01 Washington State University
BS Psychology
Part time hagwon in S. Korea
Volunteer in China
TEFL certificate
No Preference WA
United States

Patrick Thomas H.
United States 2015.01.15 Bachelor of Arts, University of Hawaii, Major: Korean Language and Literature
Bachelor of Arts, University of Hawaii, Major: Sociology
Dongyang & Bongseong Elementary Schools English Teacher, Grades...
Pre-s ,Elementary,Middle,HS TX

Candice R.
Canada 2015.03.01 4 year degree in Anthropology from the Universtiy of Waterloo.
Almost 5 years teaching in Korea. Kinder and elementary level.
No Preference ontario

Joel Samuel S.
United States 2014.10.15 B.A. in Human Communication
Taught ESL in Korea for a year and a half.
Elementary,Middle,HS,Uni/Adults California
The United States of America

Ethan Lance M.
United States 2014.10.31 B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Messiah College
Volunteered with international students to help them grow accustom to the US
Elementary,Middle DE

Kellie Louise B.
United Kingdom 2014.10.13 LLB Law Degree (hons)
TEFL - ongoing
Taught postgrad students in Lanzhou University for four months
PaJu English Language School a little over two months
Elementary,Middle,HS,Uni/Adults West Midlands
Great Britain

Skene Adair M.
United States 2014.12.20 Savannah College of Art and Design: Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree, GPA: 3.7, Magna Cum Laude.

Moment & Future Educational Centre, Hong Kong, 2013-2014
English Teacher: Taught multiple courses to a ...
Hong Kong SAR
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