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Giancarlo M.
United States 2016.02.28 University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, Minor in Japanese, May 2010
No Preference

Kaitlyn Isabel K.
Canada 2016.03.01 B.A in history from the University of Saskatchewan Elementary Saskatchewan

James Albert C.
United States 2016.03.01 I received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical & Theological Studies from Palm Beach Atlantic University in Florida. Pre-s ,Elementary,Uni/Adults Incheon
South Korea

Anna McLean S.
United States 2016.02.26 BA in Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
TESOL Certificate, Duke University
TESOL Certificate, SIT Graduate Institute
No Preference

Tamryn F.
United States 2016.02.26 Biola University , BA in Journalism with an emphasis in Photojournalism and a minor in Biblical Studies
2.5 years as a Homeroom Kindergarten Teacher/Afterschool Academy Teacher in Seoul
1 year as a ...
No Preference Seoul
South Korea

Elizabeth Christine N.
United States 2016.04.01 University of Arkansas - BS Human Development and Family Sciences
Seattle Pacific - Certificate in TESOL
Pre-s ,Elementary Kansas
United States

Leigh S.
United Kingdom 2016.02.07 I went to University of the Arts London and received a BA 2'1 No Preference Chungbok-do
South Korea

Lauren A.
United States 2016.01.10 Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
B.A. History and Anthropology
TEFL Worldwide, Prague, Czech Republic
120 hour TEFL Certification
Responsible Service of Alcohol
Western Australia/Queensland
No Preference

Benjamin L.
United Kingdom 2021.01.10 • 2012 – Completed globally-recognized CELTA qualification for teaching English as a foreign language (Pass)

• 2011-12 –Studied part-time towards an MA in Online and Distan...

Mary Joan P.
United Kingdom 2016.01.01 August 2012 TEFL Certificate, Strong Pass
Degree 2006 2:1 BA (Hons) Fine Art
Elementary,Middle,HS West Midlands
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