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Gladys Paulette Michelle C.
Canada 2014.09.07 -Bachelors of Arts-Saint Mary's University (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada)

-major-Honors Psychology

-SLP (Sogang Language Program) July 2011-June 2013
-Seoul Prode Institute Sept 2013- Sept 201...
Elementary,Middle,HS Gyeonggi-do

Rachael Wynne H.
United States 2014.08.30 Bachelor's of Science in Business Administration from East Tennessee STate University - Graduated Cum Laude

120 Online TESOL Course - accredited by University of Cambridge

Awarded the Teaching K...
Pre-s ,Elementary,Middle,HS TN

Olivia Grace P.
Canada 2014.08.25 4 year Bachelor of Arts
Nipissing University, North Bay, ON 2014
Major: Gender Equality and Social Justice Minor: Business Marketing
No Preference Ontario

Andrew Thomas C.
United States 2014.08.01 B.A. in Economics and B.A in Music from Union University Pre-s ,Elementary,Middle,HS Tennessee
United States

Crystal Mary G.
Canada 2014.05.15 Bachelor of Commerce, University of Calgary (2012)

1. I am an enthusiastic and energetic twenty-three year old with a passion for the english language. While I attended university for my commerce d...
Pre-s ,Elementary AB

Taylor Jo I.
United States 2014.11.25 John Carroll University, Cleveland, OH 2008-2012
Degree: Political Science
Minor: Spanish
3 years (six semesters) of Spanish language and culture classes

Study abroad-- Spring 2010, Universi...
No Preference Ohio
United States

Kristen Jaye F.
United States 2014.07.30 BA in TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) from Liberty University
TESL Certificate from Liberty University
Pre-s ,Elementary,Middle,HS,Uni/Adults,No Preference VA
United States of America

Nicholas Brady S.
United States 2014.08.20 University of St. Thomas
Bachelor of Arts: Community Health Education
Pre-s ,Elementary Minnesota
United States

jacob j.
United States 2014.09.01 University of Wisconsin-Madison
Bachelors of Science
Middle,HS,Uni/Adults wisconsin
United States

Cory B.
United States 2014.05.01 Business Administration Bachelors Degree from University of Oregon No Preference Oregon
United States
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