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Teaching English In Korea
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ESL Jobs in South Korea

The biggest economic benefit to teaching ESL in South Korea is not the yearly salary, but the free housing provided for by schools. Ranging between $24,000 and $35,000, the salaries are comparable with starting salaries in western countries, but are not exceptionally high. However, due to free rent, a significant amount of money can be saved each year.

New teachers often choose ESL jobs in Korea as a way to save money for paying off student loans. Saving money to pay off student debt is particularly true of teachers from the United States and Canada. The lower overall cost of living in Korea combined with free accommodation allows teachers to save money, which a teacher may use to make additional loan payments and pay off their student loan faster.

The school where you are assigned provides you with an apartment where you will live. Free housing is not the only way to save money while teaching ESL in South Korea. The cost of living in Korea such as food, utilities and other expenses tends to be lower than in most English speaking nations, particularly Canada, the United States and the UK. Paying less for monthly living expenses leaves more for saving at the end of each month.

ESL jobs in Korea offer other benefits as well. Contracts for teaching ESL in South Korea include paid airfare, health insurance and paid holidays. Specific details about the benefits of ESL teaching and the exact salary will be provided when you are offered a position. Read more about the benefits of ESL teaching on our website and get in touch with us if you have any questions or are ready to get started.




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