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¡ã Job Information
Job Number 8324
Title 3 Positions 2.2 mil to 2.3 mil Pre to ele Level Lively Location
Location Gyeonggi
Status Available
¡ã Job Description
Starting Date 2014-03-06
Class Level Pre-s , Elementary
Salary 2.2-2.3 Million Won
Overtime 18,000 won
Class Time 40 min/class
Teaching Hours 120 hrs/month
Work Schedule 9:00-6:00
Students/Class 10
Work Days Mon-Fri
Housing Single   15 mins walking from school
Vacation 10 days/year
# of Foreign Teachers 7
Benefits Provided Airfare : Round Trip  Severance Pay : Yes  Medical Insurance : 50%
Introduction/Comments http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundang

A satellite city of Seoul, Bundang, is a newly developed area that boasts high educational standards; and a modern style of living for the 21st century. Bundang is located 30-45 minutes from the Kangnam area of Seoul, and has convenient transportation to and from. It is known for its calm and peaceful areas. Due to its recent development it is also virtually pollution-free. This school is also conveniently located near Yooldong Park. The park has many attractions including a bungee jumping facility, and a huge fountain which spouts water up to 103meter high. Built around a reservoir, Yooldong Park has scenic promenades, flower gardens, children's playgrounds, a library, bicycle track and a jogging track. It's an ideal place to unwind.

The program has been set up to make learning English fun for children. Students learn all four language skills; Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening through a variety of activities. Students range from preschool (age 4) to middle school (age 15). Students attend classes that are three days per week Monday, Wednesday, Friday (MWF) or two days per week Tuesday and Thursday (TT). All afternoon classes are 120-minute long. Classes are small enough to allow for each student to receive individual attention. The average student to teacher ratio at GDA is 10:1.
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Suite #1006 Union Tower, 44-34 Yoido-dong, Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul, South Korea, 150-890
P: +82-2-749-1140 (KR) | F: +82-2-761-7783 (KR) | P: +1 (646) 233-3113 (US)
Business License #:107-87-50215, Business Plate #:2011-3180167-14-5-00024, Rep: Jaejin Shim, Meta Education Inc

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