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¡ã Job Information
Job Number 5988
Title 1 Position Ele to Mid,
Location Gyeongbook
Status Available
¡ã Job Description
Starting Date 2011-05-09
Class Level Elementary , Middle
Salary 2.0-2.1 Million Won
Overtime won
Class Time min/class
Teaching Hours 120 hrs/month
Work Schedule 2:00 PM to 10:00PM
Work Days Mon-Fri
Housing Single   5 mins walking from school
Vacation 10 days/year
# of Foreign Teachers 3
Benefits Provided Airfare : Round Trip  Severance Pay : Yes  Medical Insurance : 50%
Introduction/Comments Gumi city is in Gyeongsangbookdo province on the south eastern side of the peninsular. It is a neighbor city of Daegu, the third largest metropolitan city and also the city is famous for its fastest growing digital industry where internationally recognized top name Korean cooperation such as Samsung or LG are located. It is considered to be the Silicon Valley of Korea but also has its own natural beauty surrounded by the beautiful Nakdong river and Geumo mountain, one of the 8 wonders of beautiful scenery in Korea.nBrowsing through the web link of the city will give you better idea on how the city is likennhttp://english.gumi.go.kr/n
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Suite #1006 Union Tower, 44-34 Yoido-dong, Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul, South Korea, 150-890
P: +82-2-749-1140 (KR) | F: +82-2-761-7783 (KR) | P: +1 (646) 233-3113 (US)
Business License #:107-87-50215, Business Plate #:2011-3180167-14-5-00024, Rep: Jaejin Shim, Meta Education Inc

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