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¡ã Job Information
Job Number 12564
Title 2 positions, Online ESL Teachers, 3.4 mil-, one year in Korea is required
Location Seoul
Status Available
¡ã Job Description
Starting Date 2025-06-01
Class Level Elementary
Salary 3.4 Million Won Negotiable
Overtime n/a won
Class Time 45 min/class
Teaching Hours 24 hrs/month
Work Schedule M-F 1:30 -9:30PM
Work Days Mon-Fri
Housing Optional    mins walking from school
Vacation 11 days/year
# of Foreign Teachers 10
Benefits Provided Airfare : None  Severance Pay : Yes  Medical Insurance : 50%
Introduction/Comments *** Message from the academy ***
We are a completely online academy teaching English, but really, we're teaching literature, history, and science as well. Our main demographic is elementary school students, 1st through 6th, mainly in Korea, but also students living abroad.

Vision: Wonder is the catalyst for inspired learning. We are committed to the development of education that will guide young minds to intellectual and personal transformation.

Mission: We seeks to cultivate dynamic and joyful learning environments through the strength of inspired and creative teachers, staff, and curricula. As we evolve and grow together, we will take our students on this journey where interests are celebrated and questions are encouraged, one class at a time.

Respect one another.
We are all here because we are journeying together, even if temporarily, but we all come from different places of experience.
Seek to understand.
Wisdom is knowing that there is much more that you don¡¯t know than you know, and approaching people, situations, and circumstances with that in mind.
Be responsible and accountable.
Creativity cannot flourish without honest self reflection.
Find solutions.
Whether through collaboration, research, or pure creativity, we seek to solve problems that impede our mission and vision.
Have fun! We have the best jobs in the world! :)

Our students attend class twice a week, fiction and nonfiction, for 3 hours per class. There is one fiction teacher and one nonfiction teacher. The classes are taught using Zoom, Seesaw, and Kahoot, currently. We have curricula to teach from, including novels, history books, grammar and reading comprehension books, and various proprietary books that Twinkle has authored and published.

Classes start from 3:00 pm KST and end around 9:30 pm KST. Teachers write daily comments briefly covering what was done in class and how the students performed, as well as a longer form report card twice a year. We have an active admin staff of mostly bilingual Koreans who handle issues with students, tech, and all other administrative duties to support the teachers and organize the classes.

Our teachers are limited to 24 hours of teaching per week, 6 hours per day maximum, mainly due to having to annotate/check homework outside of class time, but also to allow ample time to prepare for classes. Teachers are required to supply their own hardware (computer/tablets, webcam, microphone, etc.) and internet and, based on individual circumstances, are able to work from home (or anywhere in the world, really). It is a 40 hour per week full-time position.

Starting salary is W40,800,000 per year including paid vacations.
Copyrights © 2006 All Rights Reserved.
Suite #1006 Union Tower, 44-34 Yoido-dong, Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul, South Korea, 150-890
P: +82-2-749-1140 (KR) | F: +82-2-761-7783 (KR) | P: +1 (646) 233-3113 (US)
Business License #:107-87-50215, Business Plate #:2011-3180167-14-5-00024, Rep: Jaejin Shim, Meta Education Inc

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