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¡ã Job Information
Job Number 10426
Title 1 ELA position elementary School in Daejeon 2.3~2.5 Mil Nego,6 weeks vacations, Certified teacher Preferred
Location Daejeon
Status Available
¡ã Job Description
Starting Date 2016-02-20
Class Level Elementary
Salary 2.3~2.5 Million Won
Overtime 25,000(40 min/class) won
Class Time 40 min/class
Teaching Hours 26 hours / week :: 104 hours / month hrs/month
Work Schedule 8:30AM ~ 5:00PM M-T
8:30AM- 3:00PM F

Vacation - 6 weeks (Sum: 3 weeks / Win: 3 weeks)
Students/Class 18
Work Days Mon-Fri
Housing Single   5 mins walking from school
Vacation 30 days/year
# of Foreign Teachers 17
Benefits Provided Airfare : Round Trip  Severance Pay : Yes  Medical Insurance : 50%
Introduction/Comments http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daejeon

Job Description
This Elementary School creates a good working environment where foreign teachers usually renew their contracts. The Principal, Mr. Lim, is an honest and sincere man who is genuinely concerned with the welfare of his foreign teachers.
This Adventist elementary school starts its 6th year of running an English Immersion Program (bilingual education) in 2007. You will be co-teaching elementary grade classes with a Korean teaching partner. The children's ages range from 6 to 12 years old. Many of our students hold foreign passports, have lived overseas, spent significant portions of their lives outside of Korea or are planning to in the near future.
The program includes teaching Math, Science and Language Arts in English to Korean children, using a variety of American textbooks and resources. We also have an after-school program of intensive English classes.
* A teacher with relevant teaching qualifications and/or experience.
* From one of the following countries: AUS, CA, UK, USA(the nationalities that qualify for an E-2 visa).
* A Bachelor's degree (Preferably Education)
* A positive, energetic, adaptable, extroverted, creative, team-player
* Someone who likes children and works well with them.
* Professional appearance
* Monthly base-pay of 2,300,000 Won, paid on the 17th of the following month
* Half of medical insurance paid (you pay up to 3.3% of the salary under the Korean Law )
* Half of national pension paid ( you pay up to 5.5% of the salary under the Korean Law)
* Private, single, furnished studio apartment, located very near the school(within 5 minutes)
* Six weeks¡¯ paid vacation and all Korean National Holidays
* A round-trip airline ticket (after 1-year contract is finished; given as cash)
* At the successful completion of a 12-month contract, you will receive one month's severance pay
* Teacher training

Teaching Hours
30 hours divided into:
* 26 class-hours (of 40 minutes each) of contact teaching time Monday to Friday
* 10 hours a week of preparation time(As an elementary school teacher you will be expected to do the necessary classroom preparations)
Copyrights © 2006 All Rights Reserved.
Suite #1006 Union Tower, 44-34 Yoido-dong, Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul, South Korea, 150-890
P: +82-2-749-1140 (KR) | F: +82-2-761-7783 (KR) | P: +1 (646) 233-3113 (US)
Business License #:107-87-50215, Business Plate #:2011-3180167-14-5-00024, Rep: Jaejin Shim, Meta Education Inc

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