Dear Park English Recruitment,
I'm writing to inquire about teaching English in Korea. I'm aware that a criminal background check is standardly required. I'm 36 now but, when I was 19 I unsuccessfully tried to steal a $1 chocolate bar from a department store. I was caught and my sentence was 'diversion' which is no punishment or criminal charge since it was my first offence, basically a warning. I'm not even sure it would show up on a background check. That was the beginning and end of my criminal career.
Unfortunately about two years ago I was driving home to the rural address where I was living. The road there has a 100 kph speed limit, but as it gets close to the township is becomes 50 kph. The road stays straight and there is no obvious immediate reason to slow down, so I was complacent. One day traffic cop was waiting and thus caught me traveling 100 kph in a 50 kph zone. I since heard that the same cop parks there once in a while and dishes out a lot of fines to locals, a known speed trap. In New Zealand if you are caught 40 kph or more over the limit you are automatically charged with 'dangerous driving'. I paid a fine and lost my licence for 6 months. I don't intend driving in Korea.
I'm wondering if these transgresions are enough to prevent me from teaching English in Korea. Or if there is any difference in this regard re teaching in public vs private schools. Any advice would be appreciated.
Kind regards,
Mike Nebblar