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No Title Writer Date Hits
80 Can I notarize my diploma from a lawyer, bank, doctor or accountant? Sandra O. 2007.01.08 985
79 Can I notarize my diploma from a lawyer, bank, doctor or accountant? Park English 2007.01.08 887
78 3 year Bachelor's Degree acceptable? Yoav K. 2007.01.02 967
77 3 year Bachelor's Degree acceptable? Park English 2007.01.02 770
76 married with kids NP 2006.12.27 976
75 married with kids Park English 2006.12.27 710
74 health issues donovan 2006.12.23 982
73 health issues Park English 2006.12.27 714
72 BA not from designated country. MA is from the US and certified teache... Xiao 2006.12.22 991
71 BA not from designated country. MA is from the US and certified teache... Park English 2006.12.27 728
70 Teaching style in South Korea Bryan H. Lim 2006.12.21 1096
69 Teaching style in South Korea Park English 2006.12.22 837
68 Can I bring my black labrador retriever dog? Maria Cristina Aguilera 2006.12.18 1050
67 Can I bring my black labrador retriever dog? Park English 2006.12.18 816
66 Do I need a TEFL qualification and teaching experience to apply? Katie 2006.12.17 970
65 Do I need a TEFL qualification and teaching experience to apply? Park English 2006.12.18 727
64 Degree and flights?! katherine 2006.12.17 935
63 Degree and flights?! Park English 2006.12.18 750
62 Do you have contracts for less than one year? Marisa L. 2006.12.08 1054
61 Do you have contracts for less than one year? Park English 2006.12.08 804
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