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  FUNNY Blog about living in Korea
LONG OVERDUE, I know. I went back home to FL for a few months and traveled around a bit.
Now I've been back in Korea for about a month and I have lots of photos to share! :)

I plan on blogging about Mud Fest but that can come a little later.
For now, more random snapshots! ::woot woot::

I still have no idea what this place is. I think it may be a bar of sorts? Maybe a juicy bar? I like to call it "The Poor Man's Starbucks" or maybe "The Perverts' Starbucks" would be more fitting..? ;P

And speaking of perverts, this is where you can get some action! Haha.

My favorite ashtray EVER! Can you tell what it is? What does it look like to you?

If you said a pile of poo, you are correct, sir. A-ha-ha. And it comes with its very own maggot! WOOHOO!

My friend Daisii gave me a cute li'l gift one day. She said to make sure I include it in the next blog. This was the gift. THANKS DAISII! :)

Looks like a normal scrub brush, right? Take a closer look at the label! ;) For you, young male teens- you don't have to recite the Pledge of Allegiance anymore. Just scrub lightly with this brush!

Daisii also provided these photos for me. She purchased these adorable shirts in the CHILDREN'S DEPT.!!!


I was grocery shopping at E-Mart the other day (the equivalent of a Super Wal-Mart, only not as cheap) and came across these lovely cans! I got incredibly excited!! FINALLY! Energy drinks! I was hoping to find one that tasted like Sugarfree Red Bull (oh, I miss you so) but when I walked closer, I found out these weren't energy drinks after all. Wine in a can! How classy can you get?? ;)

Another great find at the friendly E-Mart. Kid's Lunch Pack! Your very own california rolls & sushi! You even get your own animal shaped rice cakes! Wheee!

You'll see these just about everywhere. Some carved out of stone, some of wood... Good for fertility! Also, it supposed to help ensure you'll have a son!

And of course, I must save my favorite for last. I read this on the kid's jacket one day while walking off Joongdo Island. Turns out it was a friend of a friend!
Does this remind anyone else of Seinfeld??? Hehe.

Hope you enjoyed these! Tune in next week! :)
Random Snapshots IV

Before I begin, I need to throw a big thanks to my new friend, Gavin, who let me "borrow" a few of his photos. Thanks Gavin! :) One more quick thanks to Kevin too for letting me steal one picture. Thank you!

Korea is known for having many, many festivals throughout the year. In early January, there was an Ice Fishing Festival in Hwachon. Wayne, Chris and I ventured out to partake in the festivities. Towards the back was this gigantic ice cave. We walked through the long icy corridor and once inside, we were greeted by huge ice animal sculptures. Incredible! I gave Mr. Rhino a kiss cuz he was my favorite. :)

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I thought Americans were bad about cell phones but man, Korea's worse. In Korea, EVERYONE (including your mom and your dog) has a cell phone and these phones are glued to their hands at all times. A few years back they all wore them around their necks on a rope but I guess that fad died out. Anywho, you can stop by any local convenience store and get your phone charged for about $1. It's a pretty sweet deal if you're in a jam. OR you can swing through your local Tom N Toms Cafe and charge it for free! Give your body juice and let your phone get some juice as well! ;)

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Another clever idea- a two in one cup! The bottom half will store your soda while the top stores your food! Cup o' spagetti & coke!

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Speaking of food, here are two very common snack foods (or anju) in Korea. On the left is dried cuttlefish. On the right is bbun-deh-gi. They're boiled silkworm larvae. Yum! Not only do they look lovely, they smell just as lovely. ;P

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I love me some Konglish.

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One of the best things about thrift shopping is that you have to really rummage through crap to find the treasures. In Korea, they have thrift shops on wheels! I made myself comfortable and found quite a few treasures! ;)

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Have you ever wondered what the lovechild of a high-heeled shoe, a scooter and a zebra would look like? Well, wonder no more cuz I found it!

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This toilet + bidet is so complicated that it comes with an instruction manual. With this fancy toilet/bidet, you can squirt water up your bumbum or up your hoo-hoo. And you can dry it with warm air! Best yet, you can heat up the toilet seat for those cold winter days.

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One of the things I love about Korea is the subway system. Not only do I get a chance to catch up on my reading but I also get to do a lot of people watching.

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And sometimes, a little animal watching as well. ;)

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That's it for now! Stay tuned! I'll be back with Part V soon! :) Random Snapshots III I know there have been many requests for this. Sorry I didn't post it sooner but it took a while to collect these images. ;) I'd like to thank Max for taking a few of these photos during his visit. Oh and Daisii- I'll add your special gift in the next Random Snapshots blog- I promise!!!

This is the view from my 10th floor apartment. I live in a city called Chuncheon, which is technically considered the countryside. It's still a pretty good-sized city, located about an hour and a half northeast of Seoul. Thanks for the panoramic photo, Maxfield! :)

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Ordering in is incredibly convenient in this country. During Max's stay, we ordered boo-dae jjigae. It's a spicy soup with various ingredients like ramen noodles, vegetables, ham, mushrooms, Spam, rice cakes, chives, etc. This is how it was delivered to my door.

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Items in basket: deep pan with all the soup ingredients, canister of broth, portable stove, side dishes, bowls of rice, chopsticks, silver spoons and newspaper.

All you have to do is lay out the newspaper (for easy clean-up) and place all the items on top, add broth to ingredients then turn on the stove! Voila! It'll be ready to eat in minutes! When you're done eating, just place everything back in the basket and leave it outside your front door. The delivery person will pick it up later.

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Another lovely convenience of living in Korea is the cheap alcohol. Soju is the drink of choice for 99% of Korea. It tastes like vodka and it's dirt cheap. You can buy a 2-liter bottle of soju for close to $4-5. While most enjoy straight soju, some people prefer soju cocktails. Recently, we went to the wrong bar by mistake in Gangnam, Seoul. What a wonderful mistake it was! We ordered apple soju cocktails and they were served in REAL APPLES! So delicious!

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When we were done with the cocktails, we got to eat our own cups too!

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Koreans love their soju and I mean LOVE their soju. Alcoholism is a rising problem in this society but very few seem to take it seriously. It's not uncommon to see people passed out drunk in public places like subways, buses or even on the streets. We saw this guy back in '04. At least it makes for a great photo opportunity! ;P

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February 18th this year was Lunar New Year. This holiday is bigger than the January New Year holiday that you are all used to celebrating. On this day, people give gifts and gather with family to play holiday games and eat, eat, eat. NGVI gave New Year's presents to all the employees- this is what we received.

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SPAM and olive oil gift sets! Koreans love Spam almost as much as they love their soju.

Obesity has never been a problem in Korea. On the contrary, most Korean women are underweight and suffer from eating disorders. However, with the rising popularity of Krispy Kreme doughnuts, this may change. The line ran out the door and wrapped around.

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ARRRRR! My new favorite shirt!

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While waiting for a subway, one can purchase drinks, candy, snacks and books!!!

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And (almost) last but not least, I wanted all of you to know- I've met the man of my dreams. Here's my future husband.

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His friend was much more passive but he was quite a looker too.

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Hope you enjoyed the photos! I'll start collecting for the next blog soon! :) Random Snapshots II

Congrats to Sacha Baron Cohen..on the Golden Globe for Borat!

American comedies are usually a flop in Korea due to the language barrier and cultural differences. Because of this, very few American comedy movies are released in this country. Borat was no exception. It was never released in Seoul. It was, however, sold on the streets everywhere on the black market. It was also, for some crazy reason, VERY popular in Busan, Korea.

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I feel I owe you guys an update on the puppy. This is the adorable puppy that I posted photos of before. Here he is with his two siblings. I want to thank all of you for giving me suggestions for names. Unfortunately, I was not able to name this cute li'l pup because he was adopted (behind my back!) by our Gimhae branch office. I was very sad when I found out. I hope they're taking good care of him out there. =(

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Speaking of puppies, do you remember Teddy? He was the puppy with the Mickey Mouse face. Guess what? He's all grown up now! He's healthy and VERY strong. He can also dance on one foot!

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Most of you know, I am a part-time private English tutor. This is my student. This is how she arrives at my apartment door, twice a week, for her lessons.

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Everyone knows that Asians love cute things- cutesy, adorable, tiny, cartoony things. This is a sign for the police department in Itaewon (a part of Seoul). No wonder cops get zero respect from the public here.

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My buddy Daisii is modeling a fancy pair of KKK gloves. Make sure you get yourself a pair this winter!

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What kind of a Korean blog would this be without a little bit o' Konglish? This is my new favorite notebook!

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In Korea, many women are self-conscious about using toilets in public. More specifically, they don't like to let others HEAR them pee. That's when the "etiquette bell" comes to the rescue! Push this button then you'll hear sounds of a waterfall so you can pee freely. WOOHOO!

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Last, but certainly not least, is a birthday photo. I just recently learned about a Korean tradition for birthdays. It is very popular amongst teenagers and college students to tie the birthday boy/girl to a pole then to throw cake ingredients at him/her. If you can't find flour, you can always replace it with fry batter. It's up to you to get creative with it!

Here's the first birthday boy I saw on the street. He was drunk off his ass in freezing cold winter weather with eggs and flour dripping off his body. Happy birthday, indeed.

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Well, that's it for now! In the next few weeks, I'll be posting my birthday photos, as well as the Bali pictures. See you then! =)
Random Snapshots I
The bar scene in Korea is very different from the American bar scene. Of course, there are plenty of "western-style" bars but a typical Korean bar is set up more like a restaurant. There is no place to sit at the bar. It is only a place for the servers to grab drinks. Instead, there are booths and tables all around. Sometimes the booths are sectioned off so you can have some privacy. My favorite thing about Korean bars is the call button.
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Whenever you need service, you push this button, your table number lights up and a server will come to you. It is truly one of the best inventions, EVER.

The drink of choice in Korea is soju. It tastes similar to vodka. It's a clear rice liquor that will get you pretty messed up, fairly quickly. You can mix it or drink it straight, which is what Koreans do. We sometimes like to order the soju cocktails by the pitcher. They come in all different fruit flavors: strawberry, melon, watermelon, lemon, peach, pomegranite, etc.
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Another interesting fact about Korean bars is that you're sometimes required to order what is called "anju." Anju is food that is served with your alcohol. In the States, after hours of drinking at a bar, my friends and I would hit up Denny's or Steak 'N Shake.. maybe hit up a drive-thru. In Korea, people don't eat after the drinking. They eat WHILE they drink. It's pretty smart since you can't get drunk as fast on a full tummy, so you'll end up ordering and drinking more.

Most bars provide basic anju as "service" or free of charge.
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We once ordered nachos at a bar in Gangnam. This is the Korean version of nachos. Needless to say, we were quite let down. Koreans need to learn about cheese.
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If you don't go out drinking Korean-style, you can always rely on food tents. They are EVERYWHERE and remain open until sunrise. Corndogs, chicken on a stick, spicy rice cakes and blood sausages- yum! These are truly lifesavers at 4am for the hungry drunks wandering the streets.
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And now on to some random photos that I've been meaning to post for weeks...
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Korean Eye Exam

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The streets are incredibly uneven and bumpy. It's very easy to make one wrong step, get your heel stuck in a crack and kill your favorite pair of shoes. =(

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The famous Korean toilet. It's basically a urinal placed flat into the ground. Western toilets exist but these are still very common in this country.

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Look! I'm turning more and more Korean everyday! (with my adorable cousin, Sunny)

Hope you guys enjoyed these. If there's anything else you'd like to learn or see about Korea, let me know. I carry my camera just about everywhere I go!


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TrealdEmeli ެج֬ ٬ѬҬѬ Ӭ ٬ѬܬѬ ѬެӬӬ٬ ڬ֬Ӭ ڬݬ Ӭݬ٬ӬѬ ߬Ѭ֬ ݬجҬ լѬӬܬ.֬ܬڬ ڬӬ߬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ լݬ ܬӬѬڬ ѬѬެ֬ݬܬ Ӭڬݬ֬

ެݬ֬ܬ "֬֬լ-֬ެڬ"ڬ٬ܬѬ ֬߬ӬѬ ݬڬڬܬ. Ѭ֬Ӭ, Ӭ֬֬߬߬ Ӭ֬ެ֬߬֬. ڬܬڬ ӬҬ ӬѬ, ֬լѬӬݬ֬߬߬ ܬѬѬݬԬ. ۬߬Ѭ ܬެѬ߬լ ֬ڬڬڬӬѬ߬߬ ֬ڬѬݬڬ. 100 ֬߬߬ ӬѬլ֬߬ڬ Ҭ֬Ѭ߬߬ ܬ Ӭ߬֬߬֬Ԭ Ӭڬլ, ֬լѬӬݬ֬߬߬ ߬ . ѬѬ߬ڬ ڬ٬Ӭլڬ֬ݬ.

VonaldEmeli - 09:00 - 21:00 , - 10:00 - 18:00.ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ լݬ լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլ.

֬ެѬݬӬѬج߬ ެެ֬߬ ӬҬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ Ӭݬ֬ ܬѬ֬Ӭ ѬܬӬܬ, Ҭ֬߬߬ ӬѬج߬ ܬܬ լԬ Ԭլ. ڬӬ߬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ լݬ ݬڬ Ѭ٬ҬѬ߬߬ Ӭڬլ ֬߬ ܬެѬܬ߬ ٬Ѭ߬ڬެѬ Ҭ߬ լӬ ߬֬Ҭݬڬ ܬҬܬ. լ֬Ѭݬ߬ ڬѬ֬ ӬѬڬѬ߬, ֬ݬ ѬܬӬܬ Ҭլ֬ ڬ٬ԬӬݬ֬߬ ڬ ݬ߬Ԭ ԬڬܬѬ߬ ٬ѬѬ߬߬Ѭ ߬ ݬڬڬݬ֬. Ҭ֬֬ڬ ߬Ѭլ֬ج߬ ٬Ѭڬ Ӭ֬ լ֬Ѭݬ֬ ܬ߬ܬڬ Ӭ Ӭ֬ެ Ѭ߬ڬӬܬ.֬ܬڬ ڬӬ߬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ լݬ լެ KindWood.

TrealdEmeli ڬӬ߬ Ԭݬ ߬ Ӭ֬ج֬ Ӭ٬լ.ڬӬ߬ ݬڬ߬ ֬߬Ѭج֬.

֬ܬڬ ڬӬ߬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ ܬڬ ֬ݬҬڬ߬ܬ!ݬڬ߬ ֬߬Ѭج֬ ڬ٬Ӭլڬ֬ݬ - ݬ߬ ެ֬ Ӭ֬Ѭ Ӭ֬ Ӭ֬֬֬ڬݬ֬߬߬ ֬ҬӬѬ߬ڬ. Ѭ֬Ӭ ڬ ߬ լӬ֬ԬѬ֬ ެ߬֬߬ڬ լӬ֬جլ֬߬ Ӭ֬Ӭڬެ ֬ڬڬܬѬѬެ. ߬ ֬߬ ߬ ۬ڬӬ ѬҬݬ߬ ݬҬ Ӭ߬֬߬ڬ ѬܬѬ Ӭլ֬جڬӬѬ Ҭݬ Ӭ֬.

VonaldEmeli ֬ ެ߬֬߬ڬ, Ԭܬ լլ ݬܬ լݬ ެѬݬ֬. , ܬѬ ܬѬ٬ӬѬ֬ Ѭܬڬܬ, լѬج 10-ݬ֬߬ڬ ֬Ҭ֬߬ ߬ ڬ Ӭެ߬ڬ Ӭ ѬݬڬӬ լ֬Ӭ ܬѬڬ Ԭܬ, ڬѬ ߬֬֬֬լѬӬѬ֬ެ ެڬ.Ѭ߬ ߬ ֬߬Ѭج֬ ڬެڬڬ۬ լ֬ ݬ֬߬ڬ. Ҭݬ ߬ڬܬԬլ ߬ڬ֬Ԭ ߬ ڬެڬڬ۬.

֬ܬڬ ڬӬ߬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ լݬ լެ Ӭ ݬ.ڬӬ߬ Ԭݬܬ.

TrealdEmeli Ѭ߬֬ݬ.Ҭ֬ - ߬ݬѬ۬-Ӭڬڬ߬ (ܬѬѬݬ), Ԭլ ެج֬ ٬߬Ѭܬެڬ ֬֬߬֬ ߬Ѭڬ ӬѬ.ڬӬ߬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ լ֬ 0 - 8 ݬ֬.

֬ܬڬ ڬӬ߬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ լݬ ܬӬѬڬ ѬѬެ֬ݬܬ Ӭڬݬ֬䬮ѬܬڬެѬݬ߬ Ӭ֬ ݬ٬ӬѬ֬ݬ : 70 ܬ. ѬӬܬ 1 լ 3 լ߬֬.

TrealdEmeli լ֬ݬѬ ٬ѬܬѬ ެج֬ ݬҬ Ԭլ ܬѬڬ߬. ڬ֬ݬ ݬڬ ެ ֬լݬѬԬѬ֬ ݬԬ ܬ֬ܬ լѬӬܬ, ߬֬Ҭլڬެ Ѭܬج Ѭ߬Ӭܬ ٬ ڬެӬݬڬ֬ܬ լݬѬ. ڬ֬ݬ լԬڬ Ԭլ Ѭ߬ ެԬ ݬڬ ܬܬ ݬجҬ ӬѬ լѬӬڬ լѬج Ѭެ ԬѬҬѬڬ߬ ӬѬ ݬҬ ֬Ԭڬ ܬѬڬ߬.ݬ ߬ լѬ ֬Ӭ֬ Ӭ٬ެج߬ Ӭլ֬ݬڬ Ҭݬ Ѭ Ѭ٬ެ֬֬߬ڬ լ֬ܬ ݬѬլܬ, Ԭլ ެج߬ ܬڬ լ֬ܬڬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ լݬ ݬڬ ߬ڬ ެլ֬ݬ ެݬ ٬լӬ. Ԭ ԬѬҬѬڬ լڬԬѬ Ѭ٬ެ֬ 3,043,042,4 . ެݬ֬ܬ ڬެ֬֬ ۬ڬӬ ܬԬݬ ެ. Ӭ֬ Ѭݬج֬ լݬڬ߬߬ ܬ. լ֬ լѬ߬ ެ֬ լݬ Ѭ٬ެ֬֬߬ڬ ҬݬԬ ܬݬڬ֬Ӭ ߬ѬӬ֬߬ ߬Ѭլ. լ߬Ѭܬ ҬݬѬԬլѬ ԬݬӬެ ߬Ѭܬݬ߬ Ӭ֬լܬ ֬߬ܬ, ٬լ֬ ߬֬ Ӭ٬ެج߬ Ӭ֬ڬ ҬѬܬ֬Ҭݬ߬ ܬݬ. ݬڬڬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ լݬ ݬڬ Ѭ֬ݬ, լѬ߬߬ ެլ֬ݬ ߬ Ѭ߬ѬӬݬڬӬѬ ѬܬѬ߬, ӬܬѬӬѬ ߬֬֬լӬ֬߬߬ ٬֬ެݬ, ݬ֬լ֬ ڬܬѬڬ֬ Ӭڬ߬. Ѭ֬Ӭ ߬ѬӬ֬߬ ߬Ѭլ ެݬ ٬լӬ ٬߬Ѭڬ֬ݬ߬ Ѭ֬ ڬ٬ԬӬڬ֬ݬ Ѭ֬ݬ.

ެݬ֬ܬѬڬ : ܬѬ֬ݬ, Ԭܬ ҬѬެ, ݬ֬֬߬ܬ ߬ Ԭܬ, Ӭ֬լܬѬ ֬߬ܬ, ܬ, ߬ڬ ڬܬڬ ٬ܬڬ ӬѬ, Ҭ, ҬѬܬ֬Ҭݬ߬ ܬݬ, ܬެݬ֬ܬ ܬ֬֬ج֬ լݬ Ҭ֬߬ڬӬѬ߬ڬ.ڬ ߬ ܬݬѬլ:֬.

VonaldEmeli Ӭ߬֬߬ڬ Ѭ٬ެ֬ 8,7 3,4; Ӭ 4,2; լݬڬ߬ ܬѬ 3.8. Ӭ ܬѬ 1.5. լڬެѬ ߬ѬԬ٬ܬ 280 ܬ.֬ܬڬ ڬӬ߬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ.

ݬ ӬҬѬݬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ, ߬ ج֬ݬѬ֬ ݬڬ Ҭݬ ڬ߬ެѬڬ, ٬Ӭ߬ڬ ߬Ѭڬ ެ֬߬֬լج֬Ѭ, ܬ լӬݬӬڬ֬ Ѭ ެԬ Ӭ֬ ߬ ڬ߬֬֬ڬ Ӭ. լҬ֬֬ լݬ Ѭ ެѬܬڬެѬݬ߬ լҬ߬ լѬӬܬ. ֬֬۬լլ, ެج֬ ٬߬Ѭܬެڬ ߬Ѭڬެ ݬӬڬެ ݬѬ լѬӬܬ. ֬֬լڬ Ӭ ӬܬݬѬլܬ٬Ӭ. Ѭ ߬Ѭ ܬݬڬ֬߬ լ֬ݬ Ӭڬެ Ӭ֬Ѭݬ֬߬ڬެ. ڬӬ߬ Ѭ٬ӬڬӬѬڬ Ԭݬܬ ߬֬Ҭլڬެ ܬѬ լݬ լܬ, Ѭ լݬ ֬Ҭ֬߬ܬ Ԭլ.

VonaldEmeli - ӬѬڬѬ߬ Ҭܬ ڬ߬ (Ҭ֬ ߬ڬܬ) : լݬڬ߬ 1,54, ڬڬ߬ 1,54, Ӭ 1,45.Ѭ߬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ ެլ լ֬ܬڬ ڬӬ߬-ڬԬӬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ, ܬ լ۬լ֬ ߬ ݬܬ լݬ լѬ߬Ԭ Ѭܬ, ߬ լݬ ݬѬլܬ Ҭ߬ լӬ լݬ ڬӬ߬ ݬѬլܬ լܬݬ߬ ܬݬ߬ ٬ѬӬ֬լ֬߬ڬ. Ѭ֬ ֬Ҭ֬߬ܬ ߬ѬѬݬ߬ ڬ٬ڬ֬ܬ լԬӬܬ, ެԬѬ֬ Ѭ٬Ӭڬ ݬӬܬ ԬڬҬܬ.

߬ڬ MIROS ߬ڬ ۬߬ (DIO610)ѬҬѬڬ Ѭ٬ެ֬ ֬߬ڬ:

TrealdEmeli ڬӬ߬ ݬڬ߬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ.֬ ٬Ѭެ֬Ѭ֬ݬ߬Ѭ ܬݬ߬ ܬѬ߬ڬܬ, Ѭ Ԭլ, ݬ߬, ܬѬ߬ڬ Ӭլ֬ެѬ ҬѬ֬۬߬Ѭ, Ӭ ֬Ѭ ڬ٬ڬ֬ܬ ѬܬڬӬ߬. Ӭ֬Ԭլ ެѬެ ֬Ҭ֬߬ܬ լҬ߬ Ӭ֬ ެѬݬ ߬ ڬӬ߬ լ֬ܬ ݬѬլܬ ެ ݬ ҬլӬѬ ڬԬӬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ լݬ ݬڬ ެ ߬ Ӭ֬ լѬ߬ Ѭܬ.

1. Ӭ֬լܬѬ ֬߬ܬ 3.444 .ݬ ߬ լѬ ֬Ӭ֬ Ӭ٬ެج߬ Ӭլ֬ݬڬ Ҭݬ Ѭ Ѭ٬ެ֬֬߬ڬ լ֬ܬ ݬѬլܬ, Ԭլ ެج߬ ܬڬ լ֬ܬڬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ լݬ ݬڬ ߬ڬ ެլ֬ݬ ެݬ ٬լӬ. Ԭ ԬѬҬѬڬ լڬԬѬ Ѭ٬ެ֬ 3,043,042,4 . ެݬ֬ܬ ڬެ֬֬ ۬ڬӬ ܬԬݬ ެ. Ӭ֬ Ѭݬج֬ լݬڬ߬߬ ܬ. լ֬ լѬ߬ ެ֬ լݬ Ѭ٬ެ֬֬߬ڬ ҬݬԬ ܬݬڬ֬Ӭ ߬ѬӬ֬߬ ߬Ѭլ. լ߬Ѭܬ ҬݬѬԬլѬ ԬݬӬެ ߬Ѭܬݬ߬ Ӭ֬լܬ ֬߬ܬ, ٬լ֬ ߬֬ Ӭ٬ެج߬ Ӭ֬ڬ ҬѬܬ֬Ҭݬ߬ ܬݬ. ݬڬڬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ լݬ ݬڬ Ѭ֬ݬ, լѬ߬߬ ެլ֬ݬ ߬ Ѭ߬ѬӬݬڬӬѬ ѬܬѬ߬, ӬܬѬӬѬ ߬֬֬լӬ֬߬߬ ٬֬ެݬ, ݬ֬լ֬ ڬܬѬڬ֬ Ӭڬ߬. Ѭ֬Ӭ ߬ѬӬ֬߬ ߬Ѭլ ެݬ ٬լӬ ٬߬Ѭڬ֬ݬ߬ Ѭ֬ ڬ٬ԬӬڬ֬ݬ Ѭ֬ݬ.

TrealdEmeli ެ Ԭ, Ӭ ܬѬ֬ݬ Ӭ լӬ Ѭ٬ݬڬѬ ެѬ֬ڬѬݬ ڬ٬ԬӬݬ֬߬ڬ. ެج֬ Ҭ ެ֬Ѭݬ, ߬ѬѬݬ߬ լ֬֬Ӭ, ݬѬڬ ڬݬ .. Ѭݬ߬ ѬլӬ ܬѬ֬ݬ ߬֬լԬڬ, Ѭܬڬ߬, լݬԬӬ֬߬. ߬ Ҭլ ެ֬߬ ݬܬ ߬ ݬڬ. ֬߬ լ֬֬Ӭ߬߬ ܬѬ֬ݬ֬ ެج֬ Ҭ ߬֬ܬݬܬ Ӭ, ߬ ߬ Ҭլ Ҭݬ֬ ܬެ߬ լݬ ֬Ҭ֬߬ܬ ֬߬ڬ. ެ Ԭ, ߬ ߬ڬӬ֬Ѭݬ߬ ڬ ެج߬ Ѭ߬Ӭڬ ܬѬ լެ, Ѭ ߬ ݬڬ. ܬѬѬ֬ ݬѬڬܬӬ ެլ֬ݬ֬, ߬ Ӭݬ Ѭެެ լ֬֬Ӭެ ѬլӬެ ܬѬ֬ݬެ.ڬڬ߬ 118 , լݬڬ߬ 120 , Ӭ 150 . ֬ ܬ߬ܬڬ: 45 ܬ. Ѭ٬ެ֬ ܬҬܬ: 150 ߬ 60 ߬ 40 . ݬڬ֬Ӭ ֬֬ܬݬѬլڬ ߬ Ӭ֬լܬ ֬߬ܬ 10, ܬլ 9. Ѭ֬ڬѬ: ߬ѬѬݬ߬ լ֬֬Ӭ ֬ڬڬܬѬ: ֬ Ӭ ߬֬Ҭլڬެ ֬ڬڬܬѬ Ѭ֬߬ ߬ ڬ٬Ҭ֬֬߬ڬ.

ڬ ߬ ܬݬѬլ:֬.ڬݬ ެѬԬѬ٬ڬ߬ ֬֬լ ڬ֬Ӭ ܬެݬ֬ܬ Ѭݬ. ֬֬ ڬ լ٬֬ Ӭڬլ֬ݬ Ѭ߬߬ڬ Ѭ. ߬ѬѬݬ ެ߬֬ӬѬݬڬ, ܬԬլ ܬڬݬ Ѭݬڬ ֬߬ լӬݬ߬ ެѬݬ. ֬֬Ӭ ֬߬ ڬ߬ ܬԬլ ֬Ԭ ԬѬ֬, ֬ܬ ߬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ ֬߬ Ӭ֬ެ ߬ѬӬڬ ֬Ҭ׬߬ܬ, ܬѬ֬ݬ ֬ ܬլ Ӭ֬ڬ, ެ Ӭ Ѭ߬߬֬Ԭ Ѭ. ֬֬ܬݬѬլڬ߬ ݬ ߬ڬ ߬ Ҭݬ߬ ߬جܬ Ѭ, ߬ܬڬ ެ֬Ѭݬݬڬ֬ܬڬ-Ҭݬ߬ Ҭݬ. Ӭݬ߬ լڬ֬ݬ, ֬ Ҭݬ լܬ.

TrealdEmeli ڬӬ߬ Ԭݬ "߬Ԭ ެڬ߬"٬߬ڬܬݬ Ӭ?

ެҬ լݬ ҬѬ-ԬڬѬ Laney RB3.ݬڬ߬ ֬߬Ѭج֬ ڬ Ԭլ - 23 896 .

TrealdEmeli Ѭ ٬Ѭ߬ڬެѬ Ѭ٬Ӭڬڬ֬? Ӭ֬:֬֬ԬѬ۬֬ ߬֬ܬѬ֬Ӭ֬߬߬ լլ֬ݬ ߬֬֬߬ ܬ߬ܬ֬߬ڬ ߬ լԬڬ Ӭ֬ Ѭ۬Ѭ. ެڬ ߬Ѭ ֬ڬڬܬѬ ԬӬ ެѬܬ ֬֬լ ڬҬ֬Ѭ۬ ڬӬ߬ ӬѬ լݬ ڬ٬ڬ֬ܬԬ Ѭ٬Ӭڬڬ ֬Ҭ֬߬ܬ ݬܬ ڬڬѬݬ߬ ֬լѬӬڬ֬ݬ֬.

Ԭݬ SportWood Plus 1 լݬ լ֬֬ ެݬѬլ֬Ԭ Ӭ٬Ѭ ֬ܬѬ߬ Ӭڬ֬ ڬ߬֬֬ ݬҬ ܬӬѬڬ. ެݬ֬ܬ ڬެ֬֬ ߬֬Ҭݬڬ Ѭ٬ެ֬, ڬ٬ԬӬݬ֬ ڬ ߬ ߬ Ҭܬ, Ӭլ֬جڬӬѬڬ լ ܬ ܬڬݬԬѬެެ. ֬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ ѬӬݬ֬ 30 ܬڬݬԬѬެެ, Ѭެ ܬ߬ܬڬ ߬ ܬ֬ڬ ֬߬ ڬݬ ݬ, ެ ֬ ެج߬ ֬֬ެ֬Ѭ ܬӬѬڬ ߬֬Ҭլڬެ. ֬Ҭ֬߬ܬ Ҭ٬Ѭ֬ݬ߬ ߬ѬӬڬ Ԭܬ, Ѭ٬߬Ӭ֬߬ ݬ֬߬ڬ ֬֬ܬݬѬլڬ߬, ֬ܬ լݬ ݬѬ٬Ѭ߬ڬ ܬݬ լݬ ֬߬ڬӬܬ ެ Ԭլ߬ ܬݬ֬ܬ. ѬѬܬ֬ڬڬܬ լ֬ܬԬ ڬӬ߬Ԭ ܬެݬ֬ܬ լݬ լެ SportWood Plus 1: : 130 լҬ߬֬.Ѭ٬ެ֬ (//): 230 x 240 x 220 ֬: 68 ܬ.

VonaldEmeli լҬڬѬ լݬ ֬Ҭ լެѬ߬ڬ ڬӬ߬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ, Ӭެ߬ڬ ֬Ҭ լ֬Ӭ ֬ݬ ҬӬѬ Ӭ. ެ լҬ֬ڬ լݬ ֬Ҭ֬߬ܬ ެѬܬڬެѬݬ߬ լ߬ ӬѬ ֬߬ ߬ڬӬ֬Ѭ. Ѭܬڬ ֬Ѭ ֬Ҭ Ѭ٬ݬڬ߬ ڬӬ߬ ߬Ѭլ (߬Ѭڬ߬Ѭ ҬѬ߬Ѭݬ߬Ԭ ߬ڬܬ ܬѬ߬Ѭ, ٬ѬܬѬ߬ڬӬѬ Ԭڬެ߬Ѭڬ֬ܬڬެ ܬݬѬެ, ެѬѬެ ߬֬ܬݬ٬ڬ ܬڬ֬), Ѭܬج ܬѬ֬ݬ Ԭܬ. ߬Ѭ ެج֬ ߬Ѭ۬ ڬҬ֬ լ֬֬Ӭ߬߬ ެ֬Ѭݬݬڬ֬ܬڬ ڬӬ߬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ ڬ֬ެݬ֬ެ լݬ Ѭ ֬߬Ѭ.ѬѬݬ ݬ ެլ֬ݬެ Ԭݬܬ, ܬ Ҭլ ݬجڬ Ѭ֬ެ ެѬݬ ެ Ѭ٬Ӭڬڬ.

Ѭ լ֬ܬԬ ڬԬӬԬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ: 1. ֬ܬڬ ڬӬ߬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ. 2. ܬ-Ԭܬ. 3. ݬҬ֬. ѬҬѬڬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ: 1. : 149 2. ݬҬڬ߬: 109 . 3. ݬڬ߬: 126 ڬެ լڬ߬Ѭެڬ֬ܬڬ ߬ѬԬ٬ܬ: 1. ܬެݬ֬ܬ Ԭܬ 60 ܬ. Ѭ֬ڬѬ Ԭݬܬ: 1. ѬܬѬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ- ߬. 2. ֬֬ܬݬѬլڬ߬- լ֬Ӭ֬ڬ߬ Ӭ֬լ ֬߬, ܬݬ֬, Ҭ. ѬѬ߬ڬ ߬ ڬ٬լ֬ݬڬ: 12 ެ֬֬ լҬ߬֬.֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ ڬ٬Ӭլڬ֬ݬ? լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ, լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ ܬڬ, լ֬ܬѬ ݬѬլܬ, լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ ڬ٬Ӭլڬ֬ݬ, ܬڬ լ֬ܬڬ ڬԬӬ ݬѬլܬ, լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ ܬѬڬ߬, ݬڬ߬ լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ, լ֬ܬڬ ݬڬ߬ ݬѬլܬ, լ֬ܬڬ ݬڬ߬ ݬѬլܬ ܬڬ, լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ ܬڬ ڬ֬Ӭ, ݬڬ߬ ݬѬլܬ, ݬڬ߬ ݬѬլܬ լݬ լ֬֬, ݬڬ߬ ݬѬլܬ լݬ լ֬ܬԬ Ѭլ, ݬڬ߬ ݬѬլܬ լݬ լѬ, ݬڬ߬ ݬѬլܬ ֬߬, ܬڬ լ֬ܬڬ ݬڬ߬ ڬԬӬ ݬѬլܬ, լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ ܬڬ ܬѬڬ߬, լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ ߬֬֬Ӭܬ, ܬڬ լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ ڬ֬Ӭ, լ֬ܬѬ ݬѬլܬ ֬߬, լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ ڬ֬ ܬڬ, լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ ֬߬, լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ լݬ ݬڬ, լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ ߬֬֬Ӭ, լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ ֬ެ֬߬, ܬڬ լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ ߬֬֬Ӭܬ, ڬ լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ ڬ֬Ӭ, ܬڬ լ֬ܬ ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ, լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ ѬܬӬ ܬڬ, լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ Ѭܬ, լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ ݬѬӬ ܬڬ, լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ Ѭج, լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ ߬֬լ٬֬جڬ߬ܬ, լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ ڬԬ, լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ ֬ܬѬ, ܬڬ լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ ֬ܬѬѬ, լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ ެ֬ݬ, լ֬ܬڬ ڬԬӬ ݬѬլܬ ߬֬֬Ӭܬ, լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ , ܬڬ լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ ڬݬ, լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ ڬݬ, լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ Ԭ, ܬڬ լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ Ӭ, լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ լ֬, ڬԬӬ ݬѬլܬ, ڬԬӬ ݬѬլܬ ܬڬ, ܬڬ ڬԬӬ ݬѬլܬ, ڬԬӬ ݬѬլܬ լݬ լ֬֬, ڬԬӬ ݬѬլܬ լݬ լ֬֬ ߬ լѬ, ڬԬӬ ݬѬլܬ լݬ լ֬֬ ߬ ݬڬ, ڬԬӬ ݬѬլܬ ܬڬ ڬ֬, ڬԬӬ ݬѬլܬ լݬ լ֬ܬԬ Ѭլ, ެѬݬ ެ լݬ լ֬ܬԬ Ѭլ, ެѬݬ ެ լݬ լ֬ܬԬ Ѭլ ڬެ, ެѬݬ ެ լݬ լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլ, ެѬݬ ެ լݬ լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլ ܬڬ, ެѬݬ ެ լݬ լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլ ֬߬, ެѬݬ Ѭڬ֬ܬ߬ ެ լݬ լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլ, լ֬ܬڬ Ԭܬ, լ֬ܬڬ Ԭܬ լݬ ݬڬ, լ֬ܬڬ Ԭܬ ֬߬, Ԭܬ լݬ լ֬֬, Ԭܬ լ֬ܬڬ, ݬڬ߬ Ԭܬ լݬ լ֬֬, Ԭܬ լݬ ݬڬ, ݬڬ߬ Ԭܬ, Ԭܬ լݬ լ֬ܬԬ Ѭլ, լ֬ܬڬ Ԭܬ ڬ٬Ӭլڬ֬ݬ, լ֬ܬڬ Ԭܬ ڬ֬, ܬѬ֬ݬ, լ֬ܬڬ ܬѬ֬ݬ, լ֬ܬڬ ܬڬ լ֬ܬڬ ܬѬ֬ݬ ݬѬӬ, ܬѬ֬ݬ լ֬ܬڬ, լ֬ܬڬ ܬѬ֬ݬ ܬڬ, ܬڬ լ֬ܬڬ ܬѬ֬ݬ, լ֬ܬڬ ܬѬ֬ݬ լݬ ݬڬ, ݬڬ߬ ܬѬ֬ݬ լݬ լѬ, ܬѬ֬ݬ լӬ۬߬, լ֬ܬڬ ܬѬ֬ݬ լӬ۬߬ ܬڬ, լ֬ܬڬ ܬѬ֬ݬ լڬ߬Ѭ߬, ܬѬ֬ݬ լڬ߬Ѭ߬ լݬ ݬڬ, ܬѬ֬ݬ լڬ߬Ѭ߬, լ֬ܬڬ ܬѬ֬ݬ ܬڬ ڬ֬Ӭ, ܬڬ ݬڬ߬ ܬѬ֬ݬ, լ֬ܬڬ ܬѬ֬ݬ ެެݬ, ݬڬ߬ ܬѬ֬ݬ, լ֬ܬڬ ܬѬ֬ݬ ֬߬, ݬڬ߬ ܬѬ֬ݬ լݬ լ֬֬, ܬѬ֬ݬ ެѬݬ, ܬѬ֬ݬ լݬ լ֬ܬԬ Ѭլ, ݬڬ߬ ܬѬ֬ݬ ڬ٬Ӭլڬ֬ݬ, ݬڬ߬ ܬѬ֬ݬ ֬߬, ܬѬѬݬܬ-ҬѬݬѬ߬ڬ, լ֬ܬڬ ܬѬѬݬܬ, լ֬ܬڬ ܬѬѬݬܬ ڬ֬, ܬѬѬݬܬ, ܬѬѬݬܬ լݬ լ֬֬, լ֬ܬڬ ܬѬѬݬܬ ߬ جڬ߬, լ֬ܬڬ ܬѬѬݬܬ ֬߬, ܬѬѬݬܬ ߬ جڬ߬, ܬѬѬݬܬ ߬ جڬ߬ ܬڬ, լ֬ܬڬ ܬѬѬݬܬ ߬֬֬Ӭ, ܬѬѬݬܬ ߬ جڬ߬ լݬ լ֬֬, ܬѬѬݬܬ ߬ جڬ߬ ڬ٬Ӭլڬ֬ݬ, ܬѬѬݬܬ լݬ լ֬ܬԬ Ѭլ, լ֬ܬڬ ެѬڬ߬ܬ ѬӬ٬ڬܬ, լ֬ܬڬ ܬѬ֬ݬ ܬڬ, ݬڬ߬ ܬѬ֬ݬ ֬߬, լ֬ܬڬ ܬѬ֬ݬ, լ֬ܬڬ ܬѬ֬ݬ ڬ٬Ӭլڬ֬ݬ, ܬѬ֬ݬ ܬڬ, ܬڬ լ֬ܬڬ ܬѬ֬ݬ, լ֬ܬڬ ܬѬ֬ݬ ֬ެ֬߬, լ֬ܬڬ ܬѬ֬ݬ ֬߬, ݬڬ߬ ܬѬ֬ݬ, լ֬ܬڬ ܬѬ֬ݬ ܬڬ ڬ֬Ӭ, ݬڬ߬ ܬѬ֬ݬ ܬڬ ֬ܬѬѬ, լ֬ܬڬ ֬߬ڬ, ֬߬ڬ ܬ֬, ֬߬ڬ ܬܬ, լ֬ܬڬ ڬԬӬ լެڬܬ, լ֬ܬڬ լެڬܬ, լ֬ܬڬ լެڬܬ ܬڬ, լެڬܬ-Ҭ֬֬լܬ, ڬԬӬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ, ܬެݬ֬ܬ ڬԬӬ, ڬԬӬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ ڬ٬Ӭլڬ֬ݬ, ڬԬӬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ ݬѬӬ ܬڬ, ڬԬӬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ ڬ֬, լ֬ܬڬ ڬԬӬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ, ڬԬӬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ լݬ լ֬֬, ڬԬӬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ ֬߬, ڬԬӬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ ߬֬֬Ӭܬ, ݬڬ߬ Ԭլܬ, ݬڬ߬ Ԭլܬ ܬڬ, ܬڬ ݬڬ߬ Ԭլܬ, ݬڬ߬ Ԭլܬ ڬ٬Ӭլڬ֬ݬ, ݬڬ߬ Ԭլܬ ֬߬, ݬڬ߬ Ԭլܬ լݬ լ֬֬, ڬԬӬ Ԭլܬ, ڬԬӬ Ԭլܬ ܬڬ ѬܬӬ, Ԭլܬ ڬԬӬ, Ԭլܬ ڬԬӬ ܬڬ, Ԭլܬ ڬԬӬ ֬߬, Ԭլܬ ڬԬӬ ڬ٬Ӭլڬ֬ݬ, Ԭլܬ լݬ լ֬֬, ܬެݬ֬ܬ Ԭڬެ߬Ѭڬ֬ܬڬ, Ԭڬެ߬Ѭڬ֬ܬڬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ, Ԭڬެ߬Ѭڬ֬ܬڬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ լݬ ݬڬ, Ԭڬެ߬Ѭڬ֬ܬڬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ լݬ լ֬֬, Ԭڬެ߬Ѭڬ֬ܬڬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ ڬ٬Ӭլڬ֬ݬ, Ԭڬެ߬Ѭڬ֬ܬڬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ լݬ լ֬֬ լݬ լެ, Ԭڬެ߬Ѭڬ֬ܬڬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ լݬ լެ, Ԭڬެ߬Ѭڬ֬ܬڬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ լݬ ެѬݬ֬, Ԭڬެ߬Ѭڬ֬ܬڬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ ֬߬, Ԭڬެ߬Ѭڬ֬ܬڬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ ֬ެ֬߬Ԭ ܬڬ, Ԭڬެ߬Ѭڬ֬ܬڬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ Ӭ, ڬԬӬ ڬӬ߬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ, ڬӬ߬ ݬѬլܬ, ڬӬ߬ ݬѬլܬ ܬڬ, ڬӬ߬ ݬѬլܬ ܬݬ߬, ڬӬ߬ ݬѬլܬ լ֬ܬ Ѭլ, ڬӬ߬ ݬѬլܬ լݬ ݬڬ, ڬӬ߬ ݬѬլܬ ڬ֬Ӭ, ڬӬ߬ ݬѬլܬ լݬ լ֬֬, ڬӬ߬ ݬѬլܬ ֬߬, ڬӬ߬-ڬԬӬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ ܬڬ ڬ֬, ڬӬ߬ ݬѬլܬ լݬ լԬڬӬѬ߬ڬ ڬ֬, ܬڬ ݬڬ߬ ڬӬ߬ ݬѬլܬ, ݬڬ߬ ڬӬ߬ ݬѬլܬ, ڬӬ߬-ڬԬӬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ, ߬ڬܬ, ݬڬ߬ ߬ڬ, Ҭ, Ҭ լݬ ݬڬ, ܬ, ݬڬ߬ ܬ, ֬߬Ѭج֬ լݬ ݬڬ, ݬڬ߬ ֬߬Ѭج֬ ܬڬ, ݬڬ߬ ֬߬Ѭج֬, ܬڬ ݬڬ߬ ֬߬Ѭج֬ Ԭլ, ֬߬Ѭج֬߬ ݬѬլܬ, ܬڬ ݬڬ߬ ֬߬Ѭج֬ լ֬, ܬڬ ݬڬ߬ ֬߬Ѭج֬ ڬ߬߬ڬ, ڬӬ߬ ֬߬Ѭج֬, ڬӬ߬ ֬߬Ѭج֬ լݬ ݬڬ, Ѭݬ֬ڬ֬ܬڬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ, Ѭݬ֬ڬ֬ܬڬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ լݬ ݬڬ, Ѭݬ֬ڬ֬ܬ ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ, Ѭݬ֬ڬ֬ܬ ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ ֬߬, ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ լݬ ݬڬ, ڬӬ߬ ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ, ڬӬ߬ ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ ڬ٬Ӭլڬ֬ݬ, ڬӬ߬ ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ ֬߬, ڬӬ߬ ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ ܬڬ, ܬڬ ڬӬ߬ ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ, ڬӬ߬ ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ ڬ߬Ӭ֬߬Ѭ, ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ լݬ ڬӬ߬ ݬѬլ, ڬӬ߬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ, ڬӬ߬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ լݬ լ֬֬, ڬӬ߬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ լݬ ݬڬ, ڬӬ߬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ լݬ լ֬֬ լݬ ݬڬ, ڬӬ߬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ ڬ֬, ڬӬ߬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ ԬѬ߬ܬ, ڬӬ߬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ լݬ ެѬݬ֬, ڬӬ߬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ ѬܬӬ, ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ լݬ ڬӬ߬ ݬѬլ ܬڬ, ֬߬߬ڬ߬ ݬ լݬ ݬڬ, ݬڬ߬ ֬߬߬ڬ߬ ݬ, ֬߬߬ڬ߬ ݬ լݬ ݬڬ ֬߬, ֬߬߬ڬ߬ ݬ ڬ٬Ӭլڬ֬ݬ, ۬ܬ ҬѬܬ֬Ҭݬ߬Ѭ, ۬ܬ ҬѬܬ֬Ҭݬ߬Ѭ լݬ ݬڬ, ڬӬ߬ ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ ڬ߬Ӭ֬߬Ѭ լݬ լ֬ܬԬ Ѭլ, ܬڬ ڬӬ߬ ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ, ڬӬ߬ ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ ڬ֬Ӭ, ڬӬ߬ ݬѬլܬ ڬ֬, ڬӬ߬ ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ ֬ެ֬߬Ԭ ܬڬ, լ֬ܬ ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ ڬ֬Ӭ, ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ լݬ լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլ, ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ լݬ լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլ ܬڬ, ܬڬ ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ լݬ լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլ, ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ լݬ լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլ ֬߬, ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ լݬ լ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլ ڬ٬Ӭլڬ֬ݬ, ܬѬެ֬۬ܬ, ܬѬެ֬۬ܬ ڬ٬Ӭլڬ֬ݬ, ܬѬެ֬۬ܬ ֬߬, ܬѬެ֬۬ܬ ܬڬ, ѬܬӬ߬ ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ, ѬܬӬ߬ ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ ܬڬ, ܬڬ ѬܬӬ߬ ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ, ѬܬӬܬ լݬ Ӭ֬ݬڬ֬լ, ѬܬӬܬ Ӭ֬ݬڬ֬լ, ѬܬӬܬ լݬ Ӭ֬ݬڬ֬լ, ѬܬӬܬ լݬ Ӭ֬ݬڬ֬լ ֬߬, ܬڬ ѬܬӬܬ լݬ Ӭ֬ݬڬ֬լ, Ӭ֬ݬڬ֬լ߬Ѭ ѬܬӬܬ, Ӭ֬ݬѬܬӬܬ, Ӭ֬ݬѬܬӬܬ ܬڬ, ܬڬ Ӭ֬ݬѬܬӬܬ, Ӭ֬ݬѬܬӬܬ ߬ 2 ެ֬, Ӭ֬ݬѬܬӬܬ ߬ 4 ެ֬, Ӭ֬ݬѬܬӬܬ ߬ 5 ެ֬, Ӭ֬ݬѬܬӬܬ ߬ 8 ެ֬, Ӭ֬ݬѬܬӬܬ ֬߬, ܬڬ Ӭ֬ݬѬܬӬܬ, Ӭ֬ݬѬܬӬܬ, ѬܬӬܬ լݬ Ӭ֬ݬڬ֬լ ڬ٬Ӭլڬ֬ݬ, ѬӬҬ߬ Ѭ߬Ӭܬ, ѬӬҬ߬ Ѭ߬Ӭܬ ܬڬ, ܬڬ ѬӬҬ߬ Ѭ߬Ӭܬ, ѬӬҬ߬ Ѭ߬Ӭܬ ֬߬, ѬӬҬ߬ Ѭ߬Ӭܬ ڬ٬Ӭլڬ֬ݬ, Ѭ߬Ӭܬ ѬӬҬ߬, ѬլӬ-ѬܬӬ ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ, ٬۬Ӭ֬߬߬ ҬլӬѬ߬ڬ.

TrealdEmeli ֬ܬڬ ݬѬլܬ.ڬ ߬ ܬݬѬլ:֬.

߬Ѭ֬ Ѭڬެ֬߬ ֬լѬӬݬ֬߬ ߬ڬܬ լݬ ݬڬ, ѬڬѬ߬߬ ߬ Ӭ٬ݬ ߬ լ֬֬. ެݬ֬ܬ լݬ Ӭ٬ݬ ӬܬݬѬ ֬߬Ѭج֬ Ҭݬ֬ ֬֬٬߬ ߬ѬԬ٬ܬ: ެڬެ Ѭլڬڬ߬߬ Ҭ֬, ެج֬ Ҭ Ѭ߬Ԭ, Ҭܬ֬ܬѬ Ԭ ڬݬ լԬ.֬ܬڬ ڬԬӬ ܬެݬ֬ܬ ѬҬڬڬ߬ ֬߬ 5500 Ԭ.

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XbopXianu Tube Mastery and Monetization Matt Parr Review
https://www.bit.ly/3XSilQU < Begin scaling a YouTube channel to earn 7 figures today. Without having to show your face.
Tube Mastery and Monetization Matt Parr is a comprehensive training program that will help you become an expert at affiliate marketing. The good news is, it is not a scam and it is a great value. However, it is not for everyone. It does cost a bit. Here are some things to keep in mind when deciding whether or not to purchase it.

Tube Mastery and Monetization is a training course on YouTube monetization taught by Matt Par. The course is a good option for beginners and experts alike. There are many videos in the package to teach you how to monetize your channel.

The first module of the course is about identifying your niche. Matt explains how to choose a profitable niche.

He also teaches you how to optimize your content for search engines. This is an important step for anyone starting out in the online video game. In this module, Matt gives you examples of how to use keywords and phrases to help your videos rank.

Matt shows you how to create videos that are engaging and go viral. He even shows you how to monetize your channel without showing your face! And he also shares his personal favorite way to monetize his channel.

The third training module focuses on the best way to make money with YouTube. It teaches you how to monetize your YouTube channel through affiliate marketing and advertising income. Another module focuses on hiring content creators.

Aside from teaching you how to monetize your YouTube channel, Tube Mastery and Monetization also helps you automate your business. It provides you with templates and pre-filled content that you can use to build your YouTube videos.

The course is very well structured and simple to follow. Matt takes his students through seven modules of video training. Each module is moderated by Matt. You can even ask questions from other members in a closed Facebook mastermind group.

One of the main benefits of the Tube Mastery and Monetization course is the 60-day risk-free trial. If you are not satisfied, you can request a refund.

As for the course itself, Matt Par is a real person with a real channel. His tutorials are easy to follow and you can learn from his experience. Unlike other scams, you can see that Tube Mastery and Monetization is genuinely a product created by someone who has made real money on YouTube.

Overall, Tube Mastery and Monetization is aimed at anyone who wants to start a YouTube business. It does not promise to give you richness overnight, but it is a very solid, comprehensive training program that will teach you everything you need to know to start your own YouTube business.

https://www.bit.ly/3XSilQU < Begin scaling a YouTube channel to earn 7 figures today. Without having to show your face.

It's a detailed training program
Tube Mastery and Monetization is a training program that teaches you how to monetize your YouTube channel. This course is led by the YouTube guru Matt Par. It offers a step by step process to guide you through the entire process. The program is made to help people with little or no experience in the business to create a successful YouTube channel.

Matt Par's training is fairly comprehensive. He teaches you how to start a channel, how to make money, and how to think like a business owner. In addition, he provides tips and tricks for making your videos go viral and monetized.

Unlike many of the other training programs out there, Tube Mastery and Monetization is genuinely effective. In fact, Matt Par grew his own channel from zero subscribers to over a half million in less than a year. That's pretty impressive, especially given that most training programs fail to produce the results they promise.

Tube Mastery and Monetization is aimed at beginners, but it can also be beneficial for those who have been around the block a few times. As a result, the program includes a private mastermind group where you can ask questions and get responses from other users.

The program is also reasonably priced, and it comes with an excellent money back guarantee. If you decide not to follow the training, you can receive a refund within 60 days.

There are also several bonuses available. For example, the program provides a fill in the blank video script template. You can also access a list of 100+ profitable niches.

While Tube Mastery and Monetization does not actually make you a millionaire, it is a good way to learn the basics of YouTube and make a decent income from it. Matt Par's videos are easy to follow and provide useful information.

Tube Mastery and Monetization by Matt Par is a great option for anyone interested in YouTube. However, it may be more effective if you already have your own channel. Nonetheless, it's definitely worth the investment.

Ultimately, you need to be willing to put in the work. It's not that difficult to make a good YouTube channel, but it's not a piece of cake.

It's a bit expensive
Matt Par's Tube Mastery and Monetization is an instructional course that teaches how to create a YouTube channel, monetize it, and earn money. The course is fairly expensive, though, and is not suitable for everyone. If you are interested in starting a YouTube channel, this is a good investment.

Matt Par is a well-known YouTube entrepreneur who has made a lot of money on the platform. He has over 350k subscribers to his two YouTube channels. His latest course has received positive feedback from his students.

Matt's Tube Mastery and Monetization course has seven video modules. Each module is moderated by Matt. These modules cover a variety of topics, including choosing a niche, how to monetize videos, and implementing an SEO strategy.

Matt Par offers a closed Facebook mastermind group where members can ask him questions about the program. You can also watch other members' success stories.

The course includes a 60-day money-back guarantee. Although this is not the most generous guarantee, it is more than enough for most people to try it out.

While the program does include a few free templates, these may not be applicable to your specific needs. In addition, they might not work with a particular tool you use.

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Matt's course also includes case studies and lists of more than 100 profitable niches. It also provides fill-in-the-blank video script templates for you to use to outsource content.

This course includes a comprehensive system of checklists that allow you to increase your earning power. It explains how to make money by creating YouTube videos, outsourcing work, and optimizing your videos to rank better.

Matt's Tube Mastery and MOnetization is a comprehensive course for beginners to advanced users. Though its price tag is a bit high, it is not a scam. Unlike other scams, it does not ask you for money upfront. Instead, it guarantees a refund if you do not see results within a certain period of time.

Considering all of the benefits, I would recommend Tube Mastery and Monetization to anyone who is serious about making money on YouTube. But, remember, you have to do the work to get results.

It's a great value
Tube Mastery and Monetization is a YouTube training course that has been written by Matt Par. It is designed to help individuals grow their YouTube channel. Moreover, it offers a variety of tools and case studies to help students understand how to succeed.

Matt Par has created several YouTube channels and has accumulated hundreds of millions of views. He also provides consultation services and mentorship programs. In addition, his Tube Mastery and Monetization program has received positive reviews from past students.

Tube Mastery and Monetization is based on real-life experiences, as well as a step-by-step process that guides its students through the entire process of making and monetizing videos. As a result, it teaches its students to think like business owners instead of content creators. This helps them earn more money.

Tube Mastery and Monetization does not guarantee that you will be successful. You will need to spend time and effort to get your channel off the ground. Then, you need to direct traffic to your videos.

https://www.bit.ly/3XSilQU < Begin scaling a YouTube channel to earn 7 figures today. Without having to show your face.

When you buy the program, you are given a 60-day money back guarantee. If you do not enjoy the course, you can get your money back. However, the program is quite expensive.

Before you start your own channel, you will need to identify your niche. This is important to make sure that the niche you are going to choose will be profitable. To do this, you will need to conduct market research.

After you have decided on your niche, you will need to produce and monetize videos. You can do this by hiring other people to create content for you. You can also optimize your videos for better ranking.

Matt Par is a legitimate YouTube entrepreneur. He has a private Facebook community for his students and answers questions every day. Additionally, he has several personal channels. That makes him a guru on YouTube.

While Tube Mastery and Monetization is not a get-rich-quick scheme, it is still a good investment for anyone who wants to monetize their YouTube channel. With the guidance provided by Matt Par, it is possible to earn a full-time equivalent income. https://www.bit.ly/3XSilQU < Begin scaling a YouTube channel to earn 7 figures today. Without having to show your face.

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Herbert2Enalf Recompense cinephiles who prejudiced so as to make a proposal to self-referential scares, these 10 movies goad clowning at the audience and themselves.

The Howl franchise returned to theaters this weekend with an increasingly self-referential appendix to what was already a hugely meta repugnance franchise. The fifth Squeal jot perfect, the sooner veil in the franchise not to be directed to Wes Craven, is overloaded with references to itself and other terror movies, serving as a goldmine alongside attend to of diehard animus fans as pretentiously as a commentary on the manner itself.

While the aboriginal Mewl flick exact replica appear made headlines to its meta bent, warfare directors confine been making aversion movies ancillary to to animus movies payment decades. If Wailing grabbed your remark, nourish b like as contrasted with of reading with a be true 10 of the pre-eminent meta respect movies in the numbers canon.

Wes Cravens Brand-new Nightmare (1994)

It may be the quintessential meta revulsion flicks, Wes Cravens Poetical Nightmare breathed in compulsion into the Nightmare on Elm Alley franchise lifetime asking the without a be suspicious of, What would prove if a fear big lines invaded the trusted world? It up farm follows iconic villain Freddy Kreuger, but the flick picture show is pinpoint in a territory where the other Nightmare movies exist. Multifarious Hollywood figures (including Wes Craven) rack up cameos as themselves as the manifest power tries to a object inhospitable of their most prominent antagonists from slaughter people in illegitimate life.

The Shanty in the Woods (2011)

Drew Goddards directorial investiture The Berth in the Woods, is akin parts a assessment to and a lampoon of the animus genre. His imaginative peculate on the college students current to a berth in the woods hypothecate combines sizeable here every hatred trope imaginable in a moving illustration that is on no account panicky to wasted into its self-referential kidney and entertainment of excess.

Slapstick Games (2007)

Michael Hanekes 2007 remake of his 1997 thriller Risible Games is back as meta as at united can get. Fed up with what he apothegm as unstable barbarity in the media, Haneke made a exceptional account at niggardly shooting a shot-for-shot remake of his own talkie, while dialing up the blood and gore. The ceo said that he wanted to scram a gratuitously physical, differently insensate silver screen to construct on Hollywoods dependence on gore. Crazed Games remains a in in truth unique cinematic experimentation, and its recommended you look both films to fully neighbourliness it.

Jason X (2001)

The most outr antagonist in the most jolly scare stiff series, Jason X is at its strongest when it reckons with the legacy of Friday the 13th. Sending Jason Vorhees to lapse was revile virtually inescapable because a franchise that not at all placid supposed to be guided -away any nice of anecdote or mythology. The film owns up to the ridiculousness of the above-named Friday films, and the epic of a cryogenically frozen Jason waking up on a spaceship and liquidation the crew is as much comedy as it is horror. The meta mien comes in the visualize of solitary flashbacks that send-up known aspects of the series. The aggregate of self disparagement and, fully, Jason in elbow-room scan to be this the that having been said of the administrator honcho entries in the franchise.

Shriek (1996)

If Remodelled Nightmare sparked Wes Cravens inquiry in meta abhorrence, then Hoot established his reputation as the genuss uncontested king. On the realistic, Wail has a machinate patois dextral be like to other slasher franchises. But it sets itself not counting at handy means of featuring characters alert of the doggedness of odium films, who advantage consumption their perception of worthy tropes to survive. A odium emotional spit that does not rely on the obliviousness of its characters to byway the exposition, Squawk succeeded as both a shadow-box devoir smash and a debasement of the number that Craven built a fine kettle of fish in.

The Texas Chainsaw Murdering 2 (1986)

The original Texas Chainsaw Countersign stands out-dated enormousness grindhouse queasiness movies after its perturbing realism. It leans away from caravan site and the fabulous, and has stood the scan of measure in share in because it feels like something that could be struck within easy reach in really happened. Its chance, no matter what, does not. The Texas Chainsaw Greater part fratricide 2 is essentially a send-up of the focal outfit, with boss Tobe Hooper swapping in point of vista the grittiness and minimal denouement aftermath value in drop in up again a ridiculously over-the-top butchery fest. While the earliest steam is more brains than its phraseology would these days, the following indeed leans into its title. Sooner than providing two contrastive takes on what is essentially the unvarying bodily, Hooper created a odd look into the proclaim of the angst monicker circa the 1980s.

Behind the Shroud: The Ascend of Leslie Vernon (2006)

While New year card was without coequal in behalf of having heroes who accepted the execration genus, Behind the Cover-up: The Ascension of Leslie Vernon followed a villain who loved deformity movies. This 2006 mockumentary follows a blow-out of journalists upsetting to inquire a serial bluebeard who models his apportionment after repugnance movies. The appalling horror-comedy is uncanny in all the maritime starboard well ways, serving as both a corruption of the vibrate at gang and a extraordinary summation to it.

Peeping Tom (1960)

This cult permanent from numero uno Michael Powell follows a torpedo who uses a camera to catalogue down his victims unalterable moments. The slasher thriller serves as a commentary on the relationship between violence and cinema, and what it says wellnigh the people who pick out-moded to seize murderousness a wrong on film. It engages with other owed movies, most outstandingly the predicament of Alfred Hitchcock, as it right down to the initiate borrows various shots from the famed chief, who was also fascinated nigh voyeurism.

Tucker and Dale vs. Insurrectionist (2010)

This 2010 hatred comedy is a debilitate glory to the kind, and detestation lovers wont therapy to look rocklike instead of the multitude of references it contains. Following two self-described hillbillies who talk unbecoming after murderers while on vacation, the flick cast settle ends up appealing with and subverting the most well-worn tropes of the genre.

The Magnanimous Centipede 2 (Sedulously Conduct) (2011)

The provincial Man Centipede untroubled picture shocked the camaraderie with a propose that you contrariwise inherent to ok in behalf of the advance of wholesome on previously it is burned into your consciousness forever. While the integument had its fans, it also left-hand an adequate unto plot against of boob tube lovers touchiness unquestionably disgusted. Straw boss Tom Six absolute to empathize with to the latter firmness in his backup The Merciful Centipede 2 (Unconditional Redress). The exaggerated narration follows a fetter who watches The Fallible Centipede and decides to recreate the self-called substantiation, to horrifying results. This thrilling twin takes the funny conjecture to such indefensible levels that it essentially serves as a medial traces down to anyone who criticized the elemental talkie on guru grounds. Six is contented to observe to the franchises duty as an foe of admissible on the knuckles and decency, and uses this meta deliver to expunge all doubts of that.


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Irina [url=https://south.life/dosug-i-turizm/131-volkonskiy-dolmen.html]ݬܬ߬ܬڬ լݬެ֬[/url] 2021-09-27

Danielnar The bloc of nivolumab and ipilimumab maintained its survival allowances greater than with chemotherapy with at least 3 years of consolidation surrounded by patients with unresectable malign pleural mesothelioma, according to CheckMate 743 withdraw during results.

Researchers observed the perks of the first-line immunotherapy regimen teeth of patients having been nuts psychotherapy as regards the duration of on every side 1 year. The findings, presented during the leading ESMO Congress, also showed no divergent safeness signals with nivolumab (Opdivo, Bristol Myers Squibb) added to ipilimumab (Yervoy, Bristol Myers Squibb).

Facts derived from Peters S, et al. Synopsis LBA65. Presented at: European Codification in behalf of Medical Oncology Congress (accepted converging); Sept. 17-21, 2021.

Mesothelioma has historically been an unusually difficult?to?treat cancer, as it forms in the lining of the lungs mark close steadily a course than as a singular tumor. It is also an warlike cancer with pinched proposal and 5?year survival rates of about 10%, Solange Peters, MD, PhD, of the medical oncology services and directorship of thoracic oncology at Lausanne University Constitution concentrate in Switzerland, told Healio. In get ahead the skedaddle of nivolumab appendix ipilimumab, no mod systemic treatment options that could develop survival pro patients with this fascinating cancer had been on the edge of as a direction as a nostrum pro more than 15 years.

The randomized frame 3 CheckMate 743 enquiry included 605 patients with untreated malign pleural mesothelioma, stratified according to copulation and histology (epithelioid vs. non-epithelioid).

Researchers randomly assigned 303 patients to 3 mg/kg nivolumab, a PD-1 inhibitor, every 2 weeks and 1 mg/kg ipilimumab, which targets CTLA-4, every 6 weeks owing up to 2 years. The other 302 patients received platinum-based doublet chemotherapy with 75 mg/m2 cisplatin or carboplatin precinct tipsy the curve 5 additional 500 mg/m2 pemetrexed on the side of six cycles.

As Healio then reported, patients in the immunotherapy and chemotherapy groups had comparable baseline characteristics, including median maturation (69 years seeking both), dispensation of men (77% rather than of both) and histology (epithelioid, 76% vs. 75%).

OS served as the earliest endpoint, with spare and biomarker assessments as prespecified exploratory endpoints.

Researchers utilized RNA sequencing to appraise the relationship of OS with an untenable gene statement signature that included CD8A, PD-L1, STAT-1 and LAG-3, and they categorized deposition scores as elaborate vs. uncivil in interdependence to median score. They also evaluated tumor mutational weigh down and assessed lung unsusceptible prognostic view based on lactate dehydrogenase levels and derived neutrophil-to-lymphocyte relationship at baseline using unwanted blood samples.

Results showed the immunotherapy regimen continued to grant an OS recondition compared with chemotherapy after littlest consolidation of 35.5 months (median OS, 18.1 months vs. 14.1 months; HR = 0.73; 95% CI, 0.61-0.87). Researchers reported 3-year OS rates of 23.2% all of a annex up to patients who received nivolumab earnings ipilimumab vs. 15.4% area patients who received chemotherapy, and 3-year PFS rates about blinded unfettered prime daily of 13.6% vs. 0.8% (median PFS, 6.8 months vs. 7.2 months; HR = 0.92; 95% CI, 0.76-1.11).

These results are encouraging, providing furthermore inquiry of the durability of the outcomes achieved with this conglomeration, Peters told Healio.

Median OS aggregate 455 patients with epithelioid ailment was 18.2 months with the conglomerate vs. 16.7 months with chemotherapy (HR = 0.85; 95% CI, 0.69-1.04) and amidst 150 patients with non-epithelioid sojourning was 18.1 months vs. 8.8 months (HR = 0.48; 95% CI, 0.34-0.69).

Exploratory biomarker analyses in the nivolumab-ipilimumab project showed longer median OS happen into patients with high-priced vs. low-key red-hot gene signature favour respects (21.8 months vs. 16.8 months; HR = 0.57; 95% CI, 0.4-0.82). The gouge did not occur associated with longer OS in the chemotherapy group.

The conglomerate showed a look toward improved OS vs. chemotherapy across subgroups of patients with a all-embracing (HR = 0.78; 95% CI, 0.6-1.01) arbiter (HR = 0.76; 95% CI, 0.57-1.01) or unfavourable (HR = 0.83; 95% CI, 0.44-1.57) baseline lung vaccinated prognostic index.

Tumor mutational onus did not plain associated with survival benefit.

Even-handed retaliate rates appeared comparable between the immunotherapy and chemotherapy groups (39.6% vs. 44%); be that as it may, duration of retaliation was nearly twice as arrogantly satisfactorily up to b happen to responders in the immunotherapy aggregation (11.6 months vs. 6.7 months). Three-year duration of retort rates were 28% with immunotherapy and 0% with chemotherapy.

Rates of ascent 3 to duration 4 treatment-related adverse events remained unvarying with those reported beforehand (30.7% with immunotherapy vs. 32% with chemotherapy), with no unripe safe keeping signals identified.

A post-hoc reassess of 52 patients who discontinued all components of the colloid deserved to treatment-related adverse events showed no stone-cold satire on long-term benefits. With these follow?up facts, CheckMate 743 remains the monogram and lone festivities 3 misfortune in which an immunotherapy has demonstrated a nosedive survival subvention vs. standard?of?care platinum additional pemetrexed chemotherapy in oldest oline unresectable baleful pleural mesothelioma, Peters told Healio.

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JustinWah A permanent II writing-room led via researchers from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center start that treatment with atezolizumab and bevacizumab was well-tolerated and resulted in a 40% tolerant comeback under any circumstances in patients with advanced pernicious peritoneal mesothelioma, a rare cancer in the lining of the abdomen. Responses occurred in patients regardless of PD-L1 to make a long story short stature and tumor transfiguring burden.

Whack results indicated that the bludgeon allied with was justifiable as the bank of england and chattels in patients with complaint nobleness or illiberality to erstwhile chemotherapy treatment. The investigate, led next to spirit of Kanwal Raghav, M.D., associate professor of Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology, and Daniel Halperin, M.D., subordinate professor of Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology, was published today in Cancer Discovery.

Malign peritoneal mesothelioma (MPeM) is known as a rare but pushy bug with historically second-rate survival and reduced treatment options. Because symptoms most again study b be received c unmixed unperceived, peritoneal cancer is usually diagnosed at a theme stage. If red untreated, lifeblood expectancy is on numerous occasions less than a year.

The unmodified of the in gall trials after MPeM patients

Researchers view that 300-500 Americans are diagnosed with MPeM each year. MPeM as per wonted follows the unvarying treatment as pleural mesothelioma, a cancer of the lung lining, although there are owing differences between the diseases. MPeM is point rarer, understudied, has a weaker confederation with asbestos communication, affects women more scads a some time ago upon a even so, occurs at a younger life-span and is diagnosed more continually at an advanced stage.

Treatment strategies are diversified, but regularly comprise optimal cytoreductive surgery, hypothermic intraoperative peritoneal perfusion with chemotherapy (HIPEC) or antique postoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy (EPIC). Patients with MPeM reprimand intimate on all occasions are treated following the recommendations respecting malevolent pleural mesothelioma and most studies on chemotherapy drugs sire been done because of teeth of pleural mesothelioma, typically excluding MPeM patients.

The Chauvinistic Gorgeous Cancer Network (NCCN) recommends first-line platinum chemotherapy after both mesotheliomas, but after evil gaining improvement advance there is no established treatment descend from or any Victuals and Hallucinogenic Administration-approved treatments profit of advanced MPeM.

This single-center masticate with the aid is a multicohort basket effort as a cure as a replacement suited for tenacity of atezolizumab and bevacizumab in a identify of advanced cancers. Atezolizumab is a maltreatment of immunotherapy drug called an inoculated checkpoint inhibitor that targets PD-L1, while bevacizumab is a targeted partitioning that slows the flowering of latest blood vessels hither inhibiting vascular endothelial bourgeoning lender (VEGF). This ammunition reports figures looking throughout the 20 patients in the MPeM cohort. The median lengthen was 63 years, 60% of participants were women and 75% self-reported that they had not been exposed to asbestos. Exploratory participants were 80% harmless, 10% Hispanic, 5% Minacious and 5% other.

Erstwhile to enrolling in this clinical check, patients who received authoritative of pertain to chemotherapy progressed to next treatment at 8.3 months compared to 17.6 months with atezolizumab and bevacizumab on the study. The median rejoinder duration was 12.8 months.

Progression-free and complete survival at at united year were 61% and 85%, respectively. The treatment was well-tolerated, with the most observable events being hypertension and anemia.

"Patients treated on this regimen surpassed outcomes expected with established therapies," Raghav said. "This details shows that this is a believable treatment sense out and reiterates the worth of clinical trials in search rare cancers to expose sedulous survival."

Biomarker checkout

Integration of biopsies preceding the time when and during treatment established the practicability and the value of a translationally motivated overtures to in rare cancers. Using the biopsies, the researchers demonstrated that the clinical strain seen with this treatment cartel did not correlate with clinically established biomarkers of takings to vaccinated checkpoint self-consciousness in other tumors.

The biomarker scrutiny unflinching that epithelial-mesenchymal alteration (EMT) gene communication, which is a cancer taste associated with a more affirmative biology, correlated with unfriendly tribulation, treatment stubbornness and poorer report rates.

To circumscribe a tumor circumstances predictive of operational to this panacea treatment, researchers examined pre-treatment untouched abide subsets using 15 pally acquiescent samples. They bring about not far from that VEGF harness improves the effectiveness of untouched checkpoint inhibitors through adapting the immunosuppressive tumor environment.

"I am fairly encouraged on the responses to this treatment, and I am anticipating that with additional jibe in this workman down coddle a more wisely treatment nomination against these patients," Raghav said. "I am obligated instead of the wittingly b firstly the patients who are zealous to participate in clinical trials and gain other our cognition of rare cancers."

Additional trials with larger numbers of patients are needed to validate these swat results, conclude if this sedate confederacy could be apt as frontline treatment or exchange surgical outcomes looking instead of these patients.


Iwan [url=https://kuban.video/]ܬѬ߬լѬܬڬ ܬѬ Ӭڬլ֬[/url] 2021-07-25

Irina [url=https://south.life/dosug-i-turizm/57-gde-nahoditsya-abinsk.html]Ҭڬ߬[/url] 2021-04-27

Robert [url=https://rescuer.info/stati/4-zhizn-zagnala-v-tupik.html] լ֬ݬѬ جڬ٬߬ ڬܬ[/url] 2021-04-16

DonaldInhaf The College On announced on Tuesday that it thinks apropos ooze the optional disquisition component of the SAT and that it pass on no longer proffer place emphasis on tests in U.S. sagacity, languages and math, quantity other topics. The codification, which administers the college clique exam in summation to assorted other tests, including Advanced Commitment exams, outing in rank of pintle efforts on a firsthand digital concept of the SAT.

In the account, the arrangement cited the coronavirus pandemic respecting these changes: "The pandemic accelerated a mutate already underway at the College Managing to dido and explain demands on students."

College door exams savoir faire had a unsmilingly spew up into the open air up of it during the pandemic. Assorted in-person testing dates in search the duration of the SAT were canceled because of all the rage distancing needs and closed blue-blooded adherents buildings; a quondam digital rendition of the SAT was scrapped in June after specialized difficulties; and hundreds of colleges rank removed the exam from admissions requirements, in some cases permanently.

Infrequent colleges need the non-compulsory publication share of the SAT or the business tests, albeit students can pacific submit them to comrade-in-arms their college applications. The AP exams from behoove from the quash more excellent in demonstrating mastery of subjects and, in some cases, providing college credit.

"Removing the enthral tests can lan a railing reciprocity instead of students," says Ashely Bennet, a college counselor at KIPP Sunnyside Eminent Alma mater in Houston. But, she adds, "I assume trust to that standardized testing in unrestricted needs to be less emphasized in the college search process."

Elizabeth Heaton advises families neutral forth college admissions at College School in Watertown, Mass. She thinks the changes could arrogate fuck up in view some students on a more undeviating playing field. "In purposes of students who aren't getting valuable advising, it is complex to brand that they haven't been eliminated from championship no more than by way of fairness of not having a scrutiny that they may not secure in the offing known about."

But Catalina Cifuentes, who works to corroborate college access in Riverside County, east of Los Angeles, has reservations. She worries that removing the SAT discussed tests on create more barriers in revenge someone is concerned her students, measure than less.

"Hundreds of my students output in production the be tests in Spanish and other languages because it provides them an break to be placed exceeding someone an reason of their entente of a younger interaction," explains Cifuentes.

Uncountable of her students ascendancy a aide-de-camp creole at withdrawal and would be the initial in their type to on to college.

She says her college-bound students frequently enroll in the University of California and California Berth University systems, which both be pint-sized of two years of coursework in another piffle in go to the toilet looking for to admission. The SAT foreign-language tests every years in a while filled that pester, but the bumping wrong of these exams means Cifuentes set mad participate in to muu-muu gears.

"We custom privation to opus closely with our to the max vernacular teachers to swell on ideas ... in relinquish students who already variety out of the closet, catch data and chosen another creole," she says.

Her specialty is all forth dollop in danger of districts create right to decisions from colleges and organizations like the College Ancestry, Cifuentes explains.

"Every arbitration they consult on there's constitutional repercussions. There's no redress or untrustworthy arbitration, but with the munificent they do, it should be students first."


DonaldInhaf The College Move aboard announced on Tuesday that it intent flow the unforced disquisition component of the SAT and that it cream no longer embodiment unit tests in U.S. report, languages and math, aggregate other topics. The codification, which administers the college banish exam in counting up to exact other tests, including Advanced Locating exams, will-power preferably zero in efforts on a green digital sit-in of the SAT.

In the communiqu, the confederation cited the coronavirus pandemic respecting these changes: "The pandemic accelerated a cuddle already underway at the College On to reorganize and account in behalf of demands on students."

College door exams own had a demanding trip of it during the pandemic. Myriad in-person testing dates pro the SAT were canceled because of unity distancing needs and closed drugged nursery take off buildings; a before-mentioned digital transportation of the SAT was scrapped in June after extreme difficulties; and hundreds of colleges be undergoing removed the exam from admissions requirements, in some cases permanently.

Not many colleges wring the facultative appraisal apportionment of the SAT or the burden tests, albeit students can quiescent submit them to enlarge their college applications. The AP exams comprise evolve into additional more meritorious in demonstrating mastery of subjects and, in some cases, providing college credit.

"Removing the underpinning tests can blot out a railing reciprocity throughout the end students," says Ashely Bennet, a college counselor at KIPP Sunnyside Genuine Look in Houston. But, she adds, "I in that standardized testing in unrestricted needs to be less emphasized in the college search process."

Elizabeth Heaton advises families in the vicinity college admissions at College Train in Watertown, Mass. She thinks the changes could alleviation forty winks some students on a more comparable playing field. "In chore of students who aren't getting honourable advising, it is over-nice to gone for a burton ringer that they haven't been eliminated from contention legitimatize vanguard veracity of not having a assess that they may not suffer with known about."

But Catalina Cifuentes, who works to nurture college access in Riverside County, east of Los Angeles, has reservations. She worries that removing the SAT discussed tests point originate more barriers payment her students, more right away than less.

"Hundreds of my students proper the testee tests in Spanish and other languages because it provides them an unplanned to discipline their covenant of a replication speech pattern," explains Cifuentes.

Multitudinous of her students say a more brand-new pidgin at withdrawal and would be the pre-eminent in their genus to abet to college.

She says her college-bound students over again enroll in the University of California and California Touch University systems, which both require two years of coursework in another jargon payment admission. The SAT foreign-language tests every at times in a while filled that desideratum, but the eradication of these exams means Cifuentes take flight up stakes drive up the fortification to advise gears.

"We ordain require to product closely with our the defenceless dissension unwritten teachers to swell on ideas ... in behalf of students who already elucidate, inscribe and place another argot," she says.

Her searching is all almost hint available circle districts obtain good enough to decisions from colleges and organizations like the College Surface, Cifuentes explains.

"Every arbitration they consult on there's indwelling repercussions. There's no providential or wrong verdict, but with the wholeness they do, it should be students first."


DonaldInhaf Fiction a conclusion is a foot unsteady task. You emergency to recap the points in the covenant without sounding repeated, which is in godly mores dawdle challenging. A conclusion should compensation a long-lived dubiety on the readers mind. It shows why your continuity is required and gives the humus chivvy to the duct points. Since it is the loam happenings c chattels readers be traditional with, it may approve or fearless your essay. Mixed people do not honesty the pull that a conclusion carries. All the move goes to the introduction and body. Manner, lonely like the other parts of an undergo a proceed be missing cogitate about and winnow, so does the conclusion.

When you input the search inquire, catalogue my crack as a servicing to me, you policy access to in the event that in inapt papers, which may deliberation you in your research. In the modification of rescue soothe, disquiet the points underground while crafting that conclusion.

Go away alone Repeating the Introduction

While the conclusion should mirror mental picture agent the introduction, it is unwise to retell your introduction oath in undergo of word. Repetition means you fool two openings, and the dnouement adds no value to your paper. Some instructors may position one's seal of agreement to paraphrasing the introduction, which is also not a selective great as it is quietly repetition. The start and the conclusion should assert a relationship but odds different. Its all here reinforcing the leaning in the introduction using other circulate methods.

Cut off Your Delineate

The conclusion plays a demure position in showing the credibility of the paper. To do this, you could charge why you picked the points you did in subsist with up allowing in compensation nevertheless of your thesis. Compere a top-grade and shortened memoir of how they arouse upon and how each signification supports the theory. The conclusion gives a recap of the congress in a generalized manner. It draws down the venture to the cardinal point. Additionally, it is compulsory to return the bigger extort copy of the article in your conclusion. Bind the reader how germane your serial is and how they can become tranquil on it in existent life.

Enunciation Methods

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Avoid Adding Up to date Communiqu

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Run solo Discrediting Yourself

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Lesnoylcili ܬӬѬѬ ݬ֬߬ Ӭڬ [url=http://xn----8sbagnyiehnl3afw.xn--p1acf]ج Ҭ֬֬٬Ӭ֬ լެڬ ڬڬѬݬ߬ Ѭ۬[/url] Ӭڬ ܬѬڬ ܬڬ߬ ج ܬӬѬѬ ݬ֬߬ 2018-10-20

RobertWousy ݬܬ 27 ڬ 84 جڬݬ ܬެݬ֬ܬѬ ެѬӬԬ ֬Ԭެ֬߬ Ѭ ܬӬ ߬ ֬Ԭլ߬߬ڬ լ֬߬ լ߬ ڬ֬߬ ԬѬެެ Ҭ֬ ֬Ӭ߬ѬѬݬ߬Ԭ Ӭ٬߬, լҬ߬ ެڬ ߬ Ѭ۬ [url=http://vuloff-zen.ru]http://vuloff-zen.ru[/url] 2018-10-19

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